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Your new guide to all things fitness, skincare, and nutrition

From fitness trackers to athleisure apparel, you can find plenty of workout essentials on sale for Presidents Day.

Welcome back to our Saturday edition! In the market for a new luxury watch? We picked our five favorites. They're stylish and have good craftsmanship — for a decent price.

On the agenda:

But first: The cost of getting fit.

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This week's dispatch

Yann Magnan, a 53-year-old startup CEO.

Dear (fitness) diary

This week, Business Insider launched a new series, Fitness Money Diaries, to inspire you on your wellness journey — whether it's fitness, skincare, nutrition, or longevity optimization.

Our first in the series comes from Yann Magnan, a 53-year-old startup CEO. He said he spends an average of $1,300 a month to stay healthy enough to enter into fitness competitions and half-marathons. Did I mention that he often starts his day at Barry's Bootcamp before heading to Orange Theory? Whew!

"I have a pretty stressful life, and my work days are pretty extensive — they can be as long as 16 hours. So I need the time in the morning where I clear my head and do something different to get me into the day," he said.

Senior health editor Kashmira Gander, who created the series, said the idea came from wanting to inform readers about optimizing their health so they can live longer and healthier lives.

"Health reporter Serafina Kenny and I were discussing a new way into this story and joked that even running is expensive now: Everyone is wearing those little running vests and high-tech shoes," Gander quipped.

"Our first subject was very fitness-focused," she continued, "but I can imagine people being candid about therapy, skincare … the list goes on!"

Want to spill your fitness secrets? You can apply to appear in Fitness Money Diaries by clicking here.

The ultimate wellness home

Brian and Kristi Culhane have spent over $250,000 on wellness amenities, like a hyperbaric oxygen chamber and UV air scrubbers, for their Scottsdale, Arizona, home. They consider themselves biohackers, focusing on diet, exercise, and supplements in the name of wellness.

The biohacking trend — recently popularized by Bryan Johnson — has taken over luxury real estate. Homeowners like the Culhanes are splurging on spaces that not only look good but actively support their mental and physical health.

A home built for longevity.

A 26-year-old's unexpected diagnosis

Shannin Desroches was staying active and eating a clean diet. When she started buckling over in pain after her meals, her doctor initially suspected celiac disease or a gluten allergy.

After her blood work came back negative, Desroches pushed for more tests. Eventually, she was admitted for an emergency colonoscopy — one that couldn't be finished because her tumor was too big.

She had stage 4 colon cancer.

Also read:

Why men love Loewe

The Spanish designer's Puzzle bag is a beloved status symbol among women. Now Loewe's jackets, sunglasses, and beanies are making it a must-have brand in menswear, too.

That's partly because the designer got a marketing boost from some male celebrities and influencers. Men also love it because it's quiet luxury meets cool, three Loewe fans told BI.

Trendy, luxe, and nonchalant.

Utah's priciest ZIP code

Want a ski-in, ski-out abode with celebrity neighbors? Park City's 84060 ZIP code may be for you, but it won't come cheap — the median home value is north of $2 million.

BI's Joey Hadden checked out the wealth enclave, touring the walkable downtown and riding a free funicular to admire the slopes.

Exploring a playground for millionaires.

What we're watching this weekend

  • "Severance" finale: The second season of Apple TV+'s hit psychological sci-fi thriller came to a close this week.
  • "Good American Family": Ellen Pompeo's big post-Meredith Grey move is playing Kristine Barnett, a mother who accused her adopted child of secretly being an adult, in this new Hulu drama based on a true story.
  • "Sing Sing": The critically acclaimed 2024 film, starring Colman Domingo as an incarcerated man who finds purpose after joining a theater group in prison, is now on Max.

See the full list

What to shop

  • Save on Disney Plus and Hulu: For your first four months of service, Disney Plus Duo is over 70% off. This is the lowest price since Black Friday, but it only lasts until March 30.
  • Carbon-neutral luggage: If sustainability is your priority, this brand's luggage impressed us with its style and smooth features. Learn more about these premium upcycled suitcases in our Paravel review.
  • Retro shoes for modern wearers: Old-school footwear is making a comeback. We've rounded up 11 of our favorite retro sneakers that combine vintage designs with the comfort and durability of today.

More of this week's top reads:

The BI Today team: Dan DeFrancesco, deputy editor and anchor, in New York City (on paternity leave). Grace Lett, editor, in New York. Lisa Ryan, executive editor, in New York. Amanda Yen, associate editor, in New York. Elizabeth Casolo, fellow, in Chicago.

Correction: An earlier version of this newsletter misstated the streamer that airs "Severance." It is Apple TV+, not HBO.

Read the original article on Business Insider

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