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Feel the buzz at Engkanto Brewery’s BGC taproom, where Filipino flavors shine


MANILA, Philippines – Raise your glass, beer lovers! Local favorite Engkanto Brewery has opened its flagship taproom, Engkanto Taps, in Forbes Town, BGC, made just for their long-time fans.

A proudly homegrown brand, Engkanto Brewery has established itself by putting Filipino flavors at the heart of its craft beer. Now, with Engkanto Taps, they’re bringing the joy of beer-drinking straight to their customers, one fresh pour at a time.

Entering the space — what to expect

Ambiently lit and filled with an eccentric mix of chatter and music, the taproom invites you to sit back, relax, and just enjoy the space.

FLAGSHIP TAPROOM. All images by Luna Coscolluela/Rappler

The limited seating on the first floor makes for an intimate experience and allows you to immerse yourself as you appreciate the colorful murals and neon signage on the taproom walls and the beer-themed details that complete the whole look.

“The idea behind Engkanto Taps is that we wanted a home,” Engkanto founder Ian Paradies told Rappler. “We wanted a place where our customers could come [and where] we could provide the experience directly to [them].”


Engkanto Taps offers a little haven for beer enthusiasts to mingle and enjoy. Whether you’re looking for a quiet night of drinking or a lively conversation with friends or even strangers, there’s a place for you in the taproom.


They also have an upstairs area for visitors looking for a more casual space to enjoy their time. With a larger seating capacity, this area is suitable for groups looking to bond over a round of drinks and good food.

The craft beer experience

“Craft beer is a bit different from commercial beers,” explained Engkanto managing director Ricard Basora. “[In] craft beer, we like to play with different styles.”

He shared how Engkanto aspires to break barriers in the beer industry by making products that are approachable to everyone. The brand also emphasizes its use of Filipino flavors.

“We have unbelievable fruits, coffee, and chocolate here in the country,” Paradies said. “In a lot of our beers, we make a big effort to showcase that.”

Engkanto Taps offers 8 craft tap beers, including the Paint Me Purple Ube Lager and Green Lava Double IPA. They also offer a changing menu of seasonal and limited edition drinks, such as their Nutty C Nice Choco-Nut Stout beer that is available during the Christmas season.


We got a taste of the regularly offered tap beers, including Engkanto’s Live It Up Lager, a crisp take on the classic lager colored by notes of citrus, passionfruit, and melon. The Mango Nation Hazy IPA, on the other hand, was a playful beer that highlighted the familiar fruity flavor of local mangoes.

Of course, the best-selling High Hive Honey Ale lived up to expectations, with its smooth balance between sweet and bitter for an enjoyable drinking experience.

In 2024, Engkanto Brewery won the World’s Best Beer title for their High Hive Honey Ale, claiming the first win for a Filipino craft beer brand since the inception of the World Beer Awards. They bested 70 entries from all over the world under the Flavored Honey and Maple Syrup category.

All six of their locally inspired beers received medals at the awards.

They also offer cocktails including the Guyabano Mojito, Calamansi Gimlet, and Melon Daiquiri.

The Dalandan Margarita, with its mixture of silver tequila, dalandan, and habanero, made for an interesting combination of the dalandan’s freshness and the habanero’s spice. 


The Engkanto Old Fashioned, a blend of bourbon whiskey, vanilla malt, gula melaka, and angostura bitters, was rich and smooth, bringing out the darker notes of the whiskey.

Visitors have the option to sit at the bar and ask the bartender to pour them a glass of beer straight from the tap, or they can find a seat at one of the tables and give their orders to the staff.

Perfect pairings

What’s beer without pulutan? Engkanto Taps offers a variety of bar chow dishes that add to the overall dining experience.

“From the soft launch and grand opening of Engkanto Taps, Sta. Rosa, I’ve seen so many people enjoy the beers as much as the food,” said Engkanto brewmaster Michael “MJ” Jordan.

Chef Luis de Terry thoughtfully crafted each dish to match their beers and cocktails, even incorporating Engkanto beers in the sauces and accompaniments of their dishes.


The Chips + Dip is designed to complement all their beers, making it the perfect bite between sips. Meanwhile, the Ultimate Nachos pairs best with the Green Lava Double IPA, as the cheese and fixings go well with the beer’s zesty flavor.

Engkanto’s Señor Sisig is a popular dish — it had just the right amount of savory crunch to go with the complexity of the different beers.


Chef de Terry made sure to use local ingredients from different regions.

“We needed to bring in the products that we [liked] from different provinces,” he said. He shared that Engkanto Taps’ spicy take on the Filipino classic Dynamite Lumpia, for instance, is made with chorizo from Dumaguete.

Filipino touches

Engkanto Brewery prides itself on being a local brand. Paradies shared that the name itself is an ode to the local superstitions he encountered during his upbringing in Cebu.

“Taps comes from a point where we want to have fun in an environment that feels really local and really true to who we are,” said Chef De Terry. “What we’re really proud of is the fact that [there are] Filipino touches in absolutely everything we do.”

At Engkanto Taps, these Filipino influences shine through, creating a space where beer enthusiasts can come together and appreciate local craft and creativity. With its intimate atmosphere, along with a selection of thoughtfully brewed beers and bar chow, it’s a nightlife spot worth experiencing.

Engkanto Taps BGC is located in Forbes Town, near Burgos Circle, in BGC. It is open daily from 5 pm to 2 am. It follows the brand’s first taproom in Sta. Rosa, Laguna. – Rappler.com

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