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Planned Parenthood President Makes $904,000 Killing Babies in Abortions


Planned Parenthood’s affiliate CEOs made more money than 98% of other US workers in the 2023 fiscal year, just a year before the organization received nearly $700 million from taxpayers, a watchdog organization reported March 20.

Planned Parenthood Federation of America President Alexis McGill Johnson earned $904,014 in 2022-2023, according to American Life League’s 2025 Report on Planned Parenthood CEO Compensation.

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Across America, according to the Social Security Administration, the average raise increase was 5.32% for 2022. Compared with her 2021 salary of $683,697, Johnson’s 2022-2023 salary marked a 32% increase, according to the American Life League report.

Over the span of 2020 to 2023, Planned Parenthood’s affiliate CEOs’ average salary increased from $317,564 to $352,661, according to the report.

The report also includes a list of the top 20 PPFA Affiliates’ CEO income. At the top was the CEO of Planned Parenthood Los Angeles, which has 24 facilities. The affiliate made $155 million in 2022-2023. Its CEO, Sue Dunlap, was compensated $875,942.

Planned Parenthood is considered a nonprofit organization. According to American Life League’s 2025 report, Planned Parenthood’s CEOs, on average, make more than triple the average salary of nonprofit CEOs.

Katie Brown, American Life League’s national director, decried the situation as a “vicious cycle” operating “right under our noses.”

“Hundreds of millions of our tax dollars are forked over to the oligarchs at Planned Parenthood, and in turn, they kill nearly half a million preborn Americans each year,” Brown said in a March 20 press release. “And the reward? A government-funded nonprofit CEO making nearly $1 million a year.”

“That should enrage Americans,” Xavios continued. “At this time in America, when it is clear that there has been an extremely inappropriate misuse of funds by our government and by other nongovernmental organizations, Planned Parenthood reeks of guilt.”

In 2021, the top 11 PPFA employees’ salaries totaled $5.48 million. In 2023, that total had increased to $5,737,115.

The data compilation comes shortly after a bombshell New York Times report found that a number of Planned Parenthood state affiliates are struggling with financial difficulties, high staff turnover rates, and dismal patient care.

As CatholicVote previously reported, Johnson said that the Times article, which had a number of harrowing anecdotal stories based on patients’ and employees’ experience, lacked context.

She also said that Planned Parenthood workers “are trying to provide care in a system that has very inequitable reimbursement rates.”

A number of Planned Parenthood affiliates, including in New York, Missouri, and Illinois, announced several facility closures in recent months. CatholicVote reported March 20 that Planned Parenthood of Greater New York (PPGNY) is closing its only facility in Manhattan, citing increasing operational costs and insufficient Medicaid reimbursements. Four other Planned Parenthood facilities in New York have closed in recent months, according to the Gothamist.

In January, Planned Parenthood of Illinois announced it would be closing four facilities.

American Life League’s report concluded that the climbing CEO salaries make the abortion giant’s financial trouble claims “seem hollow at best.”

The report’s lead researcher, Katherine Van Dyke, noted in the March 20 release that the increasing earnings of the CEOs conflict with the argument of the company’s financial decline.

Van Dyke said the report “shows that taxpayer money is truly the fuel for Planned Parenthood’s earnings and that the financial facts from their own reports do not align with the organization’s claims of financial woes.”

Elected officials must review this data and take appropriate action, she added.

“Now is the time for our country’s leaders to truly assess these numbers and give Planned Parenthood the boot when it comes to receiving government reimbursements or benefitting from any form of appropriations,” Van Dyke said. “In other words, it is time to defund this very wealthy and profitable abortion megacorporation.”

LifeNews Note: McKenna Snow writes for CatholicVote, where this column originally appeared.

The post Planned Parenthood President Makes $904,000 Killing Babies in Abortions appeared first on LifeNews.com.

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