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Essex security guard whose car hit another vehicle on M25 at Swanley more than three times legal limit to drive


A security guard found to be more than three times the legal limit to drive after his car hit another vehicle on a motorway is likely to lose his job.

Bobby Asante was at the wheel of his Vauxhall Zafira on the exit slip of the M25 at Junction 3, at Swanley, in January when he rolled back into another car.

Bobby Asante rolled into another car on the M25 at Swanley and was later found to be over the legal drink-drive limit

The 55-year-old drove off after the bump but was followed by the occupants of the other vehicle.

When Asante stopped and got out, he stumbled about and dropped his wallet.

The other driver thought he might be over the limit so called the police and Asante, of Rectory Road, Grays, Essex, was arrested.

A court heard he gave a breath test reading of 128 microgrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath. The legal limit is 35.

Asante appeared at Sevenoaks Magistrates’ Court on March 17 and admitted drink driving.

James Nichols, prosecuting, told the court the incident happened on January 23.

Bobby Asante was driving on the M25 at the Swanley Interchange when he rolled back into another vehilce. Stock picture: National Highways

He added: “It was about 7.30pm and it was a Thursday and there was heavy traffic on the M25 at Swanley.

“His vehicle then rolled backwards (into the other vehicle) and he just drove off.

“The other driver decided to follow him and when he got out he was stumbling and dropped his wallet and they believed he was intoxicated, so called the police.

“He was arrested and given a breath test and gave a reading at the scene of 128.

“He’s of previous good character and has no convictions but we (the CPS) say it passes the custody threshold whether that be immediate or suspended.”

“The reading was incredibly high and there is no way you should have been driving…”

Sarah O'Leary, defending, said because her client had no previous convictions he had a lack of experience in the criminal justice system which was why it may have come across to the court that he did not appreciate the seriousness of his offending.

She added: “He’s entered a guilty plea and he knows he’s getting a long disqualification and that will likely lead to the loss of his employment.

“He’s got three children under 18 and will lose his job today. He’s a security guard on different sites and he wasn’t anticipating driving that day and it’s unfortunate for him he’s in that position (now).”

Chairman of the bench, Jill Stephens, berated Asante for driving with such a high alcohol reading.

She said: “The reading was incredibly high and there is no way you should have been driving the vehicle on a major road with that much alcohol in your system.

Bobby Asante gave a reading of 128 milligrams of alcohol per 100 millilitres of blood. The legal limit is 35

“Custody is the starting point, but you pleaded guilty at the first opportunity and because you are of previous good character we are not imposing a custodial sentence today, because we give credit for the guilty plea.

“For the excess alcohol, you will be disqualified for 32 months but we are willing to offer you the drink-driving course, but do not drive until you have your licence back from the DVLA.”

Asante was also placed on a 12-month community order which will see him carry out 200 hours of unpaid work and complete 10 rehabilitation sessions.

He must also wear an alcohol abstinence monitoring tag for 120 days.

Asante was also ordered to pay a victim surcharge of £114 and £85 court costs.

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