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A legend leaves the grid: Eddie Jordan (1948–2025)


The world of Formula 1 mourns the loss of Eddie Jordan, the irrepressible Irishman whose charisma, tenacity, and passion for motorsport left an indelible mark on the sport.

Eddie passed away peacefully at the age of 76 in the early hours of Thursday in Cape Town, surrounded by his loving family.

After a courageous year-long battle with aggressive prostate cancer, the former team owner, pundit, and entrepreneur slipped away, leaving behind a legacy as vibrant as the man himself.

Born in Dublin in 1948, Eddie Jordan was a force of nature whose journey from racer to team owner embodied the spirit of determination.

His death has carved a void in the hearts of fans, colleagues, and loved ones, yet his life’s story—rich with triumphs, laughter, and unrelenting energy—offers solace amid the sorrow.

A Racing Driver in His Own Right

Jordan’s motorsport odyssey began behind the wheel. Through the 1970s and early 1980s, he carved out a respectable racing career, clinching the Irish Kart Championship and competing in Formula Ford, Formula 3, and Formula 2.

But it was as a team owner that Eddie truly found his calling. By the late 1970s, he founded Jordan Grand Prix, a team that climbed the single-seater ranks to secure a coveted Formula 1 entry in 1991.


That debut season gifted the world a glimpse of his genius when he handed a young Michael Schumacher his first F1 start.

Over the years, Eddie’s team became a launchpad for talent, with stars like Rubens Barrichello, Martin Brundle, Damon Hill, and Jean Alesi gracing its roster.

His knack for spotting potential was matched only by his flair for the dramatic—a trait that defined Jordan Grand Prix’s rollercoaster tenure in F1.
Triumphs in the Rain and Beyond

A Rain-Lashed First F1 Win

Eddie’s team etched its name in F1 history with unforgettable victories. The first came in 1998 at a chaotic, rain-lashed Belgian Grand Prix, where Damon Hill led teammate Ralf Schumacher to a glorious 1-2 finish—a landmark moment for the squad.

Heinz-Harald Frentzen added to the tally in 1999, briefly thrusting Jordan into the title fight, while Giancarlo Fisichella sealed the team’s fourth and final win amid the mayhem of the 2003 Brazilian Grand Prix.

Though Eddie sold the team in 2005, its spirit—and his influence—endured.

Beyond the pit lane, Eddie’s voice became a soundtrack for F1 fans. From 2009, he lit up BBC’s F1 coverage with his wit and insight. He later brought his charm to Channel 4, hosted Top Gear, and co-ran the popular Formula For Success podcast with David Coulthard.

Even in his final months, he played a pivotal role as Adrian Newey’s manager, steering the design legend to Aston Martin – a fitting coda to a career of bold moves.

A Life of Passion and Joy

Eddie’s zest for life extended far beyond racing. A music lover, he played drums in his own band, while his interests in golf, cycling, sailing, and the arts painted a picture of a man who embraced every moment.

His business ventures were as diverse as his talents, and until his last breath, he remained a dreamer – discussing ambitions for London Irish Rugby Football Club, where he was a proud patron, just days before his passing.

Formula 1 President and CEO Stefano Domenicali captured the sport’s grief:

“We are deeply saddened to hear about the sudden loss of Eddie Jordan. With his inexhaustible energy he always knew how to make people smile, remaining genuine and brilliant at all times. Eddie has been a protagonist of an era of F1 and he will be deeply missed.”

A Family’s Farewell

In a heartfelt statement, the Jordan family shared their sorrow:

"It is with profound sadness that we announce the passing of Eddie Jordan OBE the ex-Formula 1 team owner, TV pundit and entrepreneur.

"He passed away peacefully with family by his side in Cape Town in the early hours of 20th March 2025 at the age of 76, after battling with an aggressive form of prostate cancer for the past 12 months.

"He was working until the last, having communicated on St Patrick’s Day, about his ambitions for London Irish Rugby Football Club, of which he had recently become Patron."

His family added: “EJ brought an abundance of charisma, energy and Irish charm everywhere he went. We all have a huge hole missing without his presence.

“He will be missed by so many people, but he leaves us with tonnes of great memories to keep us smiling through our sorrow.”

Eddie Jordan was more than a team owner or a pundit – he was a dreamer who lived life at full throttle. His laughter, his courage, and his boundless spirit will echo through the paddock and beyond, forever a part of Formula 1’s soul.

At F1i, we extend our deepest condolences to Eddie’s family and friends.

Eddie Jordan, OBE, 1948 - 2025

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The post A legend leaves the grid: Eddie Jordan (1948–2025) appeared first on F1i.com.

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