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Premier of China was shown Kazakhstan's developments

Tengrinews.kz - At the 7th China International Import Expo in Shanghai, dedicated to promoting the innovation and export potential of various countries, special attention was given to Kazakhstan’s pavilion. Chinese Premier Li Qiang and heads of delegations from participating countries reviewed the products showcased in Kazakhstan's National Pavilion under the theme “New Era, Common Future,” according to the official Telegram channel of the Kazakh government.
Kazakhstan's pavilion highlighted the country’s achievements in digitalization, symbolizing Kazakhstan’s contribution to the development of the modern digital world and trade technologies.

Kazakhstan’s Minister of Trade and Integration, Arman Shakkaliyev, along with representatives from JSC National Informaiton Technologies, Kazakh Invest, Astana International Financial Center (AIFC), QazTrade, and Kaspi.kz, presented the country's key advancements in electronic and financial services, cross-border trade, and investment attraction.
The pavilion showcased Kazakhstan's startups, such as Squares — a location booking service, Alaqan AI — biometric identification using palm vein patterns, and Cerebra AI — stroke diagnostics. These developments demonstrate Kazakhstan's advanced solutions in technology and medicine to improve the quality of life.
In the expanded pavilion of Kazakhstan, products from over 50 manufacturers were presented, including light industry goods, agricultural products, textiles, honey, juices, and more. For the first time, online sales of Kazakhstani goods were organized.
The 260-square-meter pavilion launched streaming via TikTok, allowing viewers from around the world to explore and purchase products in real-time. Within the first few hours, sales reached approximately 22,000 dollars, indicating strong international interest.

Minister of Trade and Integration Arman Shakkaliyev noted that the Chinese exhibition is a unique platform for strengthening trade ties and promoting Kazakhstani products in China. According to him, 300,000 buyers from China and other countries visit the exhibition annually, expanding Kazakhstan's export opportunities.

"This year, we are presenting not only traditional products from the agro-industrial complex but also digital technologies that are forming the so-called 'Digital Silk Road.' We are showcasing our potential and desire to integrate into the global economy through innovation and modern technologies," said Arman Shakkaliyev.

Special attention was drawn to initiatives in the areas of sustainable development and digitalization of trade. Kazakhstani representatives are confident that such events contribute to the growth of exports, job creation, and the expansion of production in the country.
Photo by the government press service

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