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Flight attendant listed lesser-known air travel rules

Tengrinews.kz - An experienced flight attendant has shared a list of habits and actions passengers should avoid during a flight.
While some of these recommendations may seem surprising, each one is intended to ensure passenger comfort and safety. Here are some of the top tips:
1. Stay hydrated
Airplane cabins are very dry, so the body requires more water than usual during flights. The flight attendant advises drinking water regularly to prevent dehydration, which can lead to headaches, fatigue, and general discomfort, especially on long flights.
2. Limit alcohol intake
Although some airlines offer alcoholic drinks, the flight attendant warns against overconsumption. Alcohol affects the body more strongly at high altitudes, leading to faster intoxication, which can sometimes result in embarrassing or disruptive behavior.
3. Avoid wearing shorts or skirts
While shorts or skirts might seem comfortable for summer travel, the flight attendant recommends more covering clothing. Airplane seats and surfaces aren’t always deeply cleaned, increasing the risk of contact with germs and allergens.

@mrsmiva Are you still doing this????? ✋ #flightattendant #airhostess #flightcrew #cabincrew #airplanes #cabincrewlife #airplane #aviation #airplanetiktok #flightattendants #pilotsoftiktok #boeing737 ♬ original sound - jovynn

4. Refrain from entering the bathroom together
Joint visits to the airplane restroom are discouraged, as this behavior can make other passengers uncomfortable and create unnecessary tension for the crew.
5. Avoid trying new medications
Taking unfamiliar medications in flight can lead to unexpected side effects. With limited medical assistance on board, the flight attendant cautions against using medications you haven’t previously tried.
6. Don’t stand up immediately after landing
The flight attendant advises against standing up right after the plane lands. Passengers should wait until the aircraft has come to a complete stop and the pilot signals that it’s safe to move. Standing prematurely can be dangerous, especially during sudden stops.

@mrsmiva Antwort auf @lilo All of this is for your own safety on board #flightattendant #airplanes #fyp #flightattendantslife #airhostess #cabincrewlife #foryou #safetyonboard #flightattendants #stewardess #pilot ♬ Moi...Lolita - Angèle - Trinix Remix

7. Avoid using strong-scented sprays or deodorants
Strong smells quickly spread through the cabin, so using hair sprays or deodorants onboard can make other passengers uncomfortable or even trigger allergic reactions.
8. Don’t walk around barefoot
Even though it’s tempting to relax, the flight attendant strongly advises against walking barefoot in the cabin. The floor may have spilled drinks, crumbs, or small objects that could cause discomfort or injury.
9. Avoid resting your head on the window
According to the flight attendant, airplane windows aren’t as clean as they may appear. Many passengers touch them with their heads or hands, making them a potential source of germs. For comfort, it’s better to use a pillow or travel cover.

@mrsmiva Too many people still do these things #flightattendant #airplane #fyp #flightattendants #airhostess #foryou #aircraft #fly #flytok #flightattendantlife #cabincrew #flying #aviation #stewardess #airplanes #foryou ♬ son original - aureliestory

Recently, another flight attendant shared a simple way to find out if your hotel room is inhabited by bedbugs.
How to safely transport animals on planes: Airline regulations

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