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Новости за 08.09.2016

Tonight, NASA is launching a mission that could solve the mystery of life with just a few scoops of dirt



Tonight, NASA will launch a rocket-fueled, minivan-sized spacecraft on a seven-year-journey through space — all for a pile of dirt. But this isn't just any dirt. This dirt could hold the key to answering some of our biggest questions about the universe, such as where we came from, and why we exist.

The mission: OSIRIS-Rex, the United States' first asteroid sample return mission ... ever. The destination: An asteroid named Bennu, a cosmic time capsule of sorts that contains dusty... Читать дальше...

WTC arts center design: Translucent marble and glass cube


NEW YORK — A design of translucent marble and glass was unveiled Thursday for a long-stalled performing arts center at the World Trade Center complex. Officials also announced that Barbra Streisand will serve as board chair of the Ronald O. Perelman Performing Arts Center that will be dedicated to producing new works and serving as

US average 30-year mortgage rate declines to 3.44 percent


WASHINGTON — Long-term U.S. mortgage rates edged lower this week. As rates remain at historically low levels, homeowners taking advantage of the chance to refinance their mortgages have pushed up refinancing activity. Mortgage giant Freddie Mac said Thursday the average for the benchmark 30-year fixed-rate mortgage declined to 3.44 percent from 3.46 percent last week.

Clinton Failed to Salvage Her First Trump Face-Off

The National Interest 

W. James Antle III

Politics, Americas

Clinton’s actual experience does not make a much more compelling case than Trump’s lack thereof.

If anything was clear from Hillary Clinton’s appearance at the “Commander in Chief” forum on NBC, it is that she cannot escape her past.

During her first appearance at the same venue as her Republican opponent Donald Trump—they were separated only by a commercial break—Clinton hoped to demonstrate that she was the only candidate qualified to be president. Читать дальше...

Court: Pleas properly entered in Wisconsin fatal fire case


MADISON, Wis. — A Wisconsin appeals court has rejected arguments from a man convicted of setting a fatal house fire that his statements should have been suppressed and his guilty pleas withdrawn. Armin Wand III was sentenced to life in connection with the 2012 LaFayette County fire that killed his three sons, left his wife

Tennis pro Caroline Wozniacki's letter to her 11-year-old self: 'Dad was right.'


RAW Embed

Michael Dodge, Getty Images

RAW Embed

Dear 11-year-old Caroline,

Let me just start off by saying, Dad was right.

He just was. Point blank. And now, finally, you realize it.

Ever since you were three, you spent hours and hours playing sports other than tennis — first it was gymnastics, then swimming, then handball and then … soccer. You were absolutely convinced that you were going to be a soccer player when you grew up. But there weren’t many girls teams in Denmark back then... Читать дальше...

Музыкальные новости
VK Fest

Сеть клиник «Будь Здоров» приняла участие в VK Fest в Санкт-Петербурге

Сергей Собянин

Собянин: московские школьники бесплатно посетили музеи города 3,3 млн раз

Ефимов: около 4 км дорог возведут от Большой Филевской улицы до ТТК

Евкуров посетил полигоны МВО, где проходят подготовку контрактники

Концерт в честь Муслима Магомаева прошел в библиотеке Воскресенска

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Venezuela opposition leader delayed by govt backers

«TDN» (tdn.com) 

CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) — Venezuelan opposition leader Henrique Capriles says he was harassed in a Margarita Island airport for four hours by armed and hooded government supporters.

Israel to build underground barrier against Hamas


JERUSALEM — Israeli defense officials on Thursday said the government has begun work on a massive underground barrier along the border with Gaza meant to block Hamas militants from tunneling into Israel. The project is the hallmark of a huge Israeli effort to halt the Hamas tunnels, which military officials have identified as a strategic


Два человека заживо сгорели в микроавтобусе при ДТП на МКАД

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Сергей Собянин. Главное за день

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Глобальную версию Mega Man X DiVE закроют к концу июля

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