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Новости за 20.09.2017

We went to a McDonald’s in Fiji and ate food you can't get in America


On a recent trip to Fiji, we drove into the city of Nadi to have dinner at the local McDonald's. Because the location is undergoing renovations, we couldn't eat inside, but thankfully the drive-thru was open. 

We got to experience the Spicy Mayo Chicken Burger, which you can't get in the US. They also serve their own version of Hot & Spicy Chicken wings and a McFlurry for dessert.

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Veterans Cemetery in Springfield gets grant to expand

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

SPRINGFIELD, Mo. (AP) — The Missouri State Veterans Cemetery in Springfield plans to expand by 10 acres after receiving a $2.6 million grant from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. The cemetery, which is currently about 60 acres, also plans to build more spaces for cremated remains. The Springfield News-Leader reports the grant will allow for 2,560 more of the cremated remains repositories. It was not immediately clear when the expansion is scheduled to occur. ___ Information from: Springfield News-Leader... Читать дальше...

Ayesha Curry tapped as newest CoverGirl model

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Food Network host and chef Ayesha Curry, who is also wife to Warriors point guard Steph Curry, has been named as CoverGirl makeup's next ad star.

Gase leaves open possibility of Timmons rejoining Dolphins


DAVIE, Fla. — Miami Dolphins coach Adam Gase says he’ll decide later whether to let linebacker Lawrence Timmons rejoin the team. Timmons was suspended indefinitely after he went AWOL Saturday, the day before the Dolphins’ season-opening win at the Los Angeles Chargers. When asked about violations of team culture, Gase left open the possibility of

‘Iran won’t be first to break nuke deal’


Iran has vowed not to be the first nation to violate the Iran nuclear deal and said it did not expect the United States to abandon it despite President Donald Trump's fierce criticism.

Lawmakers seek to give more firefighters disability pensions

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

PROVIDENCE, R.I. (AP) — Rhode Island lawmakers have approved a bill to award disability pensions to firefighters who develop heart conditions. The measure was approved Tuesday during a rare fall session, sending it to Democratic Gov. Gina Raimondo. Raimondo has expressed concerns. Treasurer Seth Magaziner had urged lawmakers to reject it. The bill says if a firefighter who worked for at least three years can't perform their duties because of heart disease, it's presumed that their duties caused it. Читать дальше...

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FDA warns on mixing opioid addiction treatments, other meds


TRENTON, N.J. — The Food and Drug Administration has issued new warnings about the dangers of combining medication for opioid addiction with antidepressants and other drugs that also slow breathing and brain activity. The FDA warns that mixing such drugs can cause difficulty breathing, coma or death and should be done with caution. Many patients

McKenna says sexist comments shouldn't dissuade women from politics


Environment and Climate Change Minister Catherine McKenna said it’s 'really sad' that she’s in the position of having to respond to a comment from a Conservative MP who compared her to a Barbie doll, but said sexist comments shouldn’t dissuade women from entering politics.


Красноярцы представят свои социальные проекты на конференции «Спорт и общество: энергия изменений»

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Сергей Собянин рассказал, как платформа «Электронный дом» помогает москвичам

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