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PUBG: BATTLEGROUNDS has been out for 7 years, and it isn't slowing down


Before Fortnite, before Warzone, before any of the dozens of battle royale shooters that have followed in its footsteps, there was PUBG: BATTLEGROUNDS. It doesn't feel like so long ago that we first parachuted down onto its vast maps pocked with abandoned villages, forests, and military compounds, but the trailblazing shooter has now been with us for seven years. During that time, it's broken all manner of records and evolved immeasurably from its Early Access beginnings, so let's take a look at the game's journey up to this point, and where it's going from here.

To say that PUBG: BATTLEGROUNDS has been a hit would be an understatement ('phenomenon' might be more apt). At its height, the game had 3.25 million concurrent players on Steam, and as of November 2023 surpassed $3 billion in revenue. It's won 7 Guinness World Records, including 'Fastest Early Access Game on Steam to Reach $100m in sales,' and was voted 'Best Multiplayer Game' at The Game Awards in 2017. Many of these achievements were recorded years ago, of course, but even at the moment of writing, PUBG: BATTLEGROUNDS is the 5th most played game on Steam by current players.

So what's been the secret of PUBG: BATTLEGROUNDS' success? Strong core gameplay, but also striking a balance between novelty and familiarity, according to Production Director Taehyun Kim. "Players enjoy things that are familiar yet new, and capturing that balance in content and service is no easy feat," says Kim. "Despite this, PUBG: BATTLEGROUNDS strives to maintain its core gameplay and originality while continuing to provide new gaming experiences, even as the market evolves."

Impressive though the numbers may be, the real magic of PUBG: BATTLEGROUNDS happens down on the ground, where you team up with up to three other players (or go it alone), and airdrop down onto one of 10 sprawling maps with the goal of being the last team—or last man—standing. You scavenge for weapons and supplies, you move towards whatever the nominated center of the safe zone is while the deadly Blue Zone slowly closes in on the map, you run, you hide, and, if you're feeling confident, you shoot. Time-to-kill is realistically low, factors like bullet drop and velocity play into every shot you take, and respawns—while possible—are a scarcity. 

All these things play into the tough, unforgiving, and uniquely suspenseful experience that is PUBG: BATTLEGROUNDS. Its hardcore reputation is well earned, but Kim says that that doesn't quite capture the scope of what the game has become. "While PUBG: BATTLEGROUNDS is seen as a hardcore game where only one person survives, we also aim to offer casual enjoyment by catering to the diverse needs of our players," he says. "For instance, we cover everything from more casual modes available in the Arcade, lighthearted competition in normal matches, to the hardcore experiences of ranked."

(Image credit: Bluehole)

It's a game where giddy chatter among your pals suddenly cuts to complete silence, as one of you hears the sound of footsteps just on the other side of a wall; it's a game where you have to decide whether you're going to bundle into a nearby vehicle as the Blue Zone closes in— which will get you to safety quicker yet will make you more likely to get noticed by another team—or whether you're going to make a stealthier but slower run for it; it's a game where you need to decide whether to head for a Blue Chip Tower in the hope of reviving your friend (knowing that other teams might have the same idea), or leave them in the afterlife and go it alone.

It's those kinds of experiences that have helped PUBG: BATTLEGROUNDS survive all these years, but just as vital to its success has been the hard work of developer KRAFTON, who have evolved the game to keep it one step ahead of its many rivals in the battle royale space.

Beyond seasonal events, maps being frequently added or redesigned, and a thriving eSports scene, PUBG: BATTLEGROUNDS has introduced a host of new features in 2024 alone. In a big April update, the game introduced destructible environments, making it possible for you to create hidey-holes to shoot enemies from.

(Image credit: Krafton)

The popular Halloween horde mode, Survivors Left Behind, that sees players fending off waves of running undead known as Hungers, is being improved with the goal of turning it into a staple alongside Team Deathmatch. This is tied into various redesigns to the Taego map, which has received a new abandoned hospital, dynamic weather, as well as the introduction of Hungers to the standard Battle Royale mode, which marks an ambitious step towards integrating PvE into PUBG: BATTLEGROUNDS' traditionally PvP design. 

But for Kim, it's the little things that make the big differences. "I believe the most significant change has been the diversification of the gameplay experience," he begins. "While there have been various changes to the maps, the introduction of new elements like folded shields and emergency pickups in ranked and esports has clearly demonstrated this evolution. While gunplay remains important, we also want players to find their own solutions and experiences within the game."

(Image credit: KRAFTON)

PUBG: BATTLEGROUNDS' clan system has seen plenty of improvements this year too, with new clan challenges and missions, as well as clan tokens that let players get their hands on exclusive items. Even though the game is already hurtling towards the future at full momentum, it's not slowing down any time soon, with Kim stating that he wants it to not only continue its commercial success, but make it a favourite for everyone who plays it. "As a gamer myself, I understand how difficult it can be to stick with one game for decades," he begins. "But just as every gamer has their favorite game, I hope that PUBG: BATTLEGROUNDS will be included in that list, and I’ll continue working towards that goal."

Whether you're a new player or returning veteran, there's so much going on right now that it's a great time to strap on the parachute and descend into the fray once more. The game is free to play, so head over to the official site, pick your platform, and grab it now. To keep up with the ever-evolving world of PUBG: BATTLEGROUNDS, tune in on YouTube or Twitch.TV, or hit up their social channels on X, Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok.

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