
How to revive during combat in Dragon Age: The Veilguard


Keep getting knocked down in Dragon Age: The Veilguard? While you can turn down just about everything in combat—including the possibility of dying at all—if you've chosen a higher difficulty, you might want to persevere. One such way is working out how to revive Rook when they take a clobbering from Darkspawn.

The system isn't really explained anywhere, but if you've been downed you will have likely noticed a greyed out box saying "revive", though it requires some mystery resource that you don't have. Here, I'll explain how to revive Rook in combat and how the system works.

How to revive in Dragon Age: The Veilguard

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The first revival item you'll find is sold by the Veil Jumper merchant (Image credit: Bioware)
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You can buy another from the Grey Wardens' blacksmith (Image credit: Bioware)
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Simple Oil and Stone (Image credit: Bioware)
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New Casebook (Image credit: Bioware)
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Tincture Kit +7 (Image credit: Bioware)
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You can buy some from the shop that opens up later in the Crossroads (Image credit: Bioware)

To revive your Rook when they go down in combat in Dragon Age: The Veilguard, you'll need Revival Charges, which come from gear. It's a slightly strange system—you probably assumed that revives were an item you'd need to find or purchase—but no, you'll actually have to acquire some gear with the Revival Charge stat on it. 

These are typically accessories for you and your companions such as healing belts or trinkets, but each will clearly state that they provide a Revival Charge and sometimes even a secondary effect when you use that revive on yourself. The only issue is that most of these are items which you can only purchase from shops you've upgraded to level three, which requires you running around to gather gold and whatever resource is needed to pay for reputation with that faction.

The first you're likely to encounter is the Calibration Crystal trinket for Bellara from the shop in the Veil Jumpers' camp in Arlathan Forest, though again, you'll need to find a lot of gold and heartwood to upgrade it to level three. There's also the Creator's Chisel trinket for Davrin which you can buy from the Grey Warden blacksmith vendor in the Hossberg Wetlands later in the game. There's also the Simple Oil and Stone trinket for Lucanis and the Tincture Kit your character can equip. You can buy some of these from the merchant in the Crossroads who unlocks later.

Once you've got your revival charge, if you go down in combat, provided you have the party member with you who has the trinket equipped, you'll have the option to get brought back into the fight and won't have to reload a save. The charges will also refresh for new battles. Handy, huh? 

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