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Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League is $3.50 on Steam, letting you poke around one of 2024's most interesting failures for the price of a cheeseburger


Call me a bit of a softie, you'll probably be right, but I can't help feel bad for Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League. Sure, it was an ill-advised stab at live service that came at the cost of a dent to Rocksteady's rep, one that lost Warner Bros. $200 million, fell short of every expectation, and quickly dwindled into Steam numbers comparable to Gotham Knights (a game two years older than it).

But watching Rocksteady sadly trot out its promised roadmap has felt more like watching the slow death of someone who already had the crap beaten out of them at the side of the street. In this metaphor, it did happen to stand in a really rough part of town and yell "hopefully nobody beats the crap out of me!", but I feel more frustrated by the waste of its developers' work at the hands of executives on-high.

All that said, you can now grab Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice Leauge at the rough price of a cheeseburger. It's currently 95% off on Steam, making it around $3.50 (£3) until the end of the Steam Autumn Sale, December 4. Using McDonald's prices in the US as a comparison point, this is a big triple-A game that you can grab for approximately 146% of a cheeseburger, 83% of a double cheeseburger, or 66% of a Big Mac. Yes, it is roughly lunchtime where I am.

Do I think that Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice Leauge is some hidden gem that this low price-point will unearth? No, it's a basically-failed live service game where your number goes up as you shoot bad guys. Our own Morgan Park, who was downright generous to it on launch, had this to say in his review: "Suicide Squad's endgame is a brief but delicious dessert, and to even get there you have to play a story mode that's just not good." It's also just one of many decent (albeit typically older) games on sale for Steam's autumnal bash.

But, also, it's not terrible by any definition. If we're using Steam reviews as a measuring stick, 67% of the 6,826 people who bothered to write something about it were positive—that's 4,573 people who didn't hate it. All of this is a black mark against a game that's asking full price, but for $3.50? I mean, screw it, you might as well if you can even imagine yourself having a bit of fun with this thing.

I'm… uh, probably going to pass. But that's mostly because I have an active subscription to both World of Warcraft and Final Fantasy 14 going at the moment, which shakes out to, like, 8.5 Suicide Squads a month. I need all the free time and cheeseburger funds I can get.

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