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Fallen Aces adds a pulp superhero hideout and a small, unfriendly dog


Bloody, creative little shooter Fallen Aces has a new update out that adds a between missions rest and relaxation area for you to take a break in, score some upgrades from, and try out your weapons in. The release also has player profiles, collectible comics to find around the city, and a new enemy type at the end of chapter 3—the hammer wielding Big Palooka.

Nightwave's Hideout is a nice nod to the game's setting, where your two-fisted detective is trying to figure out what happened to the pulp heroes who call your city home—and this hideout is where one of those injured warriors is laying low. New stuff and new dialogue pops up in the hideout each time you visit it, starting after Chapter 2. Which is honestly kind of surprising in a game that already has the most dialogue and voice acting we've seen in a New Blood release.

Plus, it has a grumpy little dog named Spadey, a sure-fire way to get me to like it.

You can find Blake at the hideout after Chapter 3, and he'll sell you inventory upgrades to carry more food (read: whiskey) and ammo. The new hideout also includes a firing range, so you can try out your weapons against some pop-up targets that run the gamut of enemies you go up against in the rain-slick noir world of Fallen Aces. (Corrup cops, mob goons. Pretty sure that's all of them.)

PC Gamer writers have enjoyed Fallen Aces for its aesthetic, something like an immersive sim that takes place inside a pulp adventure comic. They also praise its mix of stealth-optional combat and chaotic melee that somehow feels right out of the 90s despite its very modern elements.

"You can pick up and throw anything in the environment, which adds a fantastic wrinkle to Fallen Aces' already improvisational combat. Usually I'll go for trash cans, oil drums, or discarded melee weapons to help stagger enemies or interrupt ranged ones before I can close the gap, but there's also no shortage of beautiful bright red gas canisters that turned six on one fights into a cakewalk. I'd also be remiss if I failed to mention the tactical banana peel: Find a banana? You can eat it for a small health boost leaving behind a peel that trips up enemies, opening them up to an instant kill or takedown," said our Ted Litchfield in his little love letter to Fallen Aces.

You can find all the details on The Hideout Update for Fallen Aces on Steam.

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