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We've just got a first look at Vergil in Netflix's upcoming Devil May Cry series alongside another key character from Devil May Cry 3


It's been a while since we first got to see what Netflix's Devil May Cry series would look like, with the first trailer releasing back in September last year. But while the latest look at Devil May Cry may seem awfully similar to the first trailer, what with Dante's quick wit and regular backflips mid-fight, we do get a small look at some other key characters.

The new trailer reveals a bit more about the series' story instead of just showcasing Dante's acrobatic fighting style. It seems like the series will follow the events of DMC 3, the first game in the series, chronologically speaking. In the third game, Dante has to try to stop his brother Vergil from opening a portal to the Demon World. While it seems like the White Rabbit is taking on this task in the series, we do get a short glimpse of Vergil right at the end of the trailer, which may suggest he's also in on the plot to open the portal.

(Image credit: Netflix)

The only weird thing about this version of Dante meeting Vergil is that I can't help thinking it'll be a father-and-son reunion instead of a brotherly meet-up, as Dante's voice actor, Johnny Yong Bosch plays Nero in the games, Vergil's son. It's a small switch up, but Bosch's voice is so distinctive that I've still not been able to separate his voice from Nero yet.

Speaking of cameos, Lady also makes a brief appearance in this latest trailer. Lady is another Devil Hunter who crosses paths with Dante a few times as she hunts down the big bad guy of DMC 3 Arkham, who also happens to be her father. Like in the games, Lady seems to be just as brash and untrusting of demons and half-demons (which extends to Dante), and the two will likely have the same dynamic in the series as they did in the games.

But other than these small inklings of a plot, the rest of the trailer is just full of flashy fight scenes all to the tune of Papa Roach's Last Resort. It may seem a tad excessive, but that's pretty in-keeping with Dante and the style of Devil May Cry as a whole, which I personally love. Dante is so impressive that even one of the demons that's he's about to clobber with his motorcycle can't even contain his excitement: "Damn, he's cool". Yes, he is random blue demon. Yes, he is.

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