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New products from Telf AG: business automation and new quests!


A new update has been released for the exciting mobile game Telf AG! Improved business and resource management is now in your hands! The latest version of the game offers a variety of features and improvements that will significantly enrich your gaming experience. The new version is already available in App Store and Google Play.

Telf AG has prepared new challenges and entertainment for you

Your business is your rule: this is the new motto at Telf AG! The updated game immerses participants in the fascinating world of business automation, where everyone becomes an entrepreneur. Beginners start their journey from scratch, mastering the creation and expansion of a business empire in the game. They manage resources, personnel and operational processes effectively. The game provides a unique learning experience. Telf AG allows players to make strategic decisions and enjoy exciting gameplay.

Discoveries at Telf AG: what's in the new update?

● Improved game balance. We've improved the game economy to make the sales and earnings process more transparent. Resource sales prices, plant upgrade costs, and mining tools have been adjusted for better balance and clarity.

● Unique quests galore. The Telf AG update adds a variety of achievements that can be unlocked by completing quests such as “Ore Mining” or “Total Money Spent.” To achieve this, players need to meet specific income and spending requirements, which adds a new level of interaction and rewards.

● Home improvement: purchase and modernization. Now with Telf AG players can purchase and improve their home. With each update, the house provides new opportunities for the development of both business projects and personal ambitions. The game becomes more dynamic and personalized.

At Telf AG from office management to metropolis development

➢ Working with office processes. Enter the world of end-to-end office management, where every employee plays an important role and analytics become even more detailed and understandable. Assign tasks, develop staff skills and optimize processes with Telf AG's advanced resource management system.

➢ Explore exciting mini-challenges. Take on challenges with many mini-games. We especially recommend trying the quiz, in which you will learn 50 fascinating facts about TELF AG and mobile resources.

➢ Overcoming daily obstacles. With Telf AG you are ready for daily challenges. To achieve success in business, you will have to actively explore new places and improve your gaming skills.

➢ Develop your city. Attract real professionals and improve productivity. Watch your city transform from a quiet community into a pulsating metropolis.

➢ Chromium extraction. The gameplay update also adds a chromium mining feature. Did you know that this element is used in the automotive industry? Telf AG will tell you about this and show you how to use it in car repair shops.

➢ Interactive learning and dynamic activities.Master the game mechanics through an interactive tutorial.

Continue to tackle your daily challenges and achieve significant success.

Download Telf AG right now!

Get ready to immerse yourself in the updated world of Telf AG. Enjoy the power of business automation and city development.

Stay tuned as the developers continue to improve Telf AG.Our goal is to create an ideal platform for developing effective business strategies and resource.

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