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FIFA 23:In today's deep dive I'll examine the new gameplay


Set pieces not only improved from a mechanical FUT 23 Coins standpoint but they've also improved. In conjunction with players who are strong and those that are skilled at flying becoming useful again, it's nice to observe EA make improvements in this part and game.

Another feature that I was interested in trying first-hand was the new physics system. The new physics system HyperMotion 2 being touted as a way to introduce realistic physics into gaming, it was my wanted to see if the changes made a real difference. It's an uncertain outcome on this subject. On one hand, there's the latest version of ball's physics displayed when you switch play. The ball rotates and spins in a realistic way as you follow the ball's trajectory.

However, the things EA have highlighted prior to release, like collision physics and deflections look and feel the same as last year. Although the weight of players has increased for the better but players are still crashing into each other and can result in unrealistic collisions, particularly considering the habit of keeping that finger on the sprint button. 

A majority of the recent deflections made by an extended foot or leg can only be observed in replays, and the some of the replays I've seen of these shots (especially the power variety -- could cause painful injuries. Deflections and 50-50s will always favor the AI particularly when you get used with the latest body types and the meaning they convey in terms of acceleration.

HyperMotion and realistic physics simply won't work. There's still a lot of moving and sliding that hinder what should be realistic outcomes. Sliders such as OS Community Sliders aid in slowing the game and make the game more sim, but they're only able to do what they can when it comes to Physics.

In today's deep dive I'll examine the new gameplay features available to players FIFA 23 to share my impressions on which ones have an impact on the game, what kind of effect (negative and positive) they bring as well as if there's scope for improvement. To see the list of new options, we'll simply refer to the EA FIFA 23 site. When grading FIFA 23 it will be based on the simple 1-5 scale, with 5 being a "great enhancement" with 1 representing "why cheapest FIFA 23 Coins  did EA even bother to add this feature?" If you want to scope out my review of FIFA 23 the game, you can go here.

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