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Mmoexp Madden 23 :My hope is that this doesn't happen again


That aside, we've seen some huge deals inked, and it's here 
mut coins madden 23 I feel it's appropriate to discuss The Jacksonville Jaguars. In truth, I've struggled to write down my feelings about their day. On the one hand, the Jags enjoyed the biggest amount of money in free agency, and it was time to loosen the purse strings to sign some players, but on the other the other hand, they were a sailor on shore leave and spent nearly $50 million in caps to sign or to re-sign six players.

I really don't know how I feel about this. It's been rolling around in my head all through the afternoon. On one hand, I really like the team, and I know they'll help make the Jaguars better, but on the other I'd like to see Jacksonville spread the love even more in order to upgrade their players' positions.Bet on the 2022 Madden NFL 23 season online at DraftKings Sportsbook

The biggest criticism is going to be Christian Kirk, I get it. The contract is partly a huge leap of faith in the possibility of him becoming a featured No. 1 receiver, but also that a team as bad as Jacksonville has to overpay to attract big-name free agents. The way the deal is constructed is fair and will not handicap the team long term should the gamble not yield results.

My concern is, like it was with Jaguars free-agents in the past was that they went for the quality over quantity model which is not the case with this franchise. It's a franchise that needs the quantity. It's not Kirk and Scherff, but Kirk and Scherff as well as Olukun AND Fatukasi, which means that the Jaguars with around $10M of Space (give and take). I'd like to see the team aim at two of these prospects and try to snap some players for the same cost like the others.

In many ways it's like free agency 2017. which isn't a good thing. The Jaguars spent big there too and signed Calais Campbell, A.J. Bouye, Barry Church and traded for Branden Albert. At the time , they seen as "big success stories," as well. Despite the fact that it went from 3-13 to 10-6 , in the blink of an eye however, they then fell on the floor because they didn't have the deep.

My hope is that this doesn't happen again. I'm just hoping that when the Jaguars tried to secure this type of cap space , they didn't be so reckless and act as if they're two pieces away from being a contender, rather as a cellar dweller having to build success slowly. I'm not willing to say Jacksonville can be called a win or even a loss yetor even cheap madden nfl 23 coins concerned.

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