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Armenian Foreign Minister says peace treaty with Azerbaijan may open ‘new ‘door’ for durable peace in the region

Armenian Foreign Minister says peace treaty with Azerbaijan may open ‘new ‘door’ for durable peace in the region

The signing of a peace treaty between Armenia and Azerbaijan may open ‘a new ‘door’ for establishing durable peace in the region, Armenian Foreign Minister Ararat Mirzoyan said today.nbsp;nbsp; br /


YEREVAN, 11 June. /ARKA/. The signing of a peace treaty between Armenia and Azerbaijan may open ‘a new ‘door’ for establishing durable peace in the region, Armenian Foreign Minister Ararat Mirzoyan said today.nbsp;nbsp;



As part of the peace agenda and vision for regional development, Armenia is also strongly interested in unblocking all regional communications based on full respect for countries’ sovereignty and jurisdiction and the principles of equality and reciprocity, as underpinned by our Government’s initiative of “Crossroads of Peace”.,’ Mirzoyan said in his opening remarks on Tuesday at the closing session of the Armenia-U.S. Strategic Dialogue in Yerevan, which is being attended by U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs James O'Brien.



He said the expanded partnership between Armenia and the United States, together with the United States' consistent support for Armenia's sovereignty, independence, and territorial integrity, has great potential for establishing a stable and dignified peace in the South Caucasus.nbsp;nbsp;



Armenia is committed to the resolution of relations with Azerbaijan and the border delimitation process. A wide range of concrete steps and programmes will be discussed today, from economic and energy diversification to defence cooperation and justice reforms,’ Mirzoyan said.nbsp;nbsp;



Mirzoyan said the final session of the Armenia-U.S. Strategic Dialogue will give a new impetus to the Armenia-U.S. partnership.nbsp;nbsp;



A strong commitment to democratic principles is key within the partnership, despite the fact that democracy is under threat around the world, including in our region. Despite the challenges, hybrid security threats, the Armenian government is determined to follow the democratic choice of its people, strengthen relevant state institutions, ensure the rule of law and firm protection of human rights,’ Mirzoyan noted.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;



He expressed confidence that the U.S. fully assists and supports Armenia in proving that democracy can deliver results.nbsp;nbsp;



‘Our bilateral agenda continues to expand to include enhancing Armenia's resilience and important areas for stable development,’ Mirzoyan said.



The United States supports Armenia's efforts to establish lasting peace in the region, James O'Brien said.nbsp;



Armenia's political developments reflect the democratic aspirations of its people. The U.S. is very encouraged by the steps taken by the Armenian government, particularly in terms of the rule of law and the fight against corruption,’ O'Brien noted.nbsp;-0--





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