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“Dream big, start small”: Anna from Artsakh participates in “Get Started”

 “Dream big, start small”: Anna from Artsakh participates in “Get Started”

Anna from Artsakh has become a participant in the educational program “Get Started” with a confidence to hear success stories from startup companies, learn from others’ experiences, and establish her own manufactory, producing Armenian-made glazes.

Years ago, Anna studied pottery in the village of Zorak in Ararat region: little did she imagine that after a sudden change in life and displacement, she would have the opportunity to explore the startup ecosystem. She has become even more determined thanks to the “Get Started” educational program. She began to consider turning her hobby into a business project and scale up the production of ceramic brooches based on her own designs using glazes produced in-house. Zorak’s pottery teacher, too, encourages her to do so.

“I was going for pottery and I had already gained some skills. Then I also participated in the “Get Started” educational program and decided to combine those two and start my own business. I knew there would be seminars with successful professionals. I wanted to learn about their experience, receive advice, understand where they faced challenges, and reach my goal faster. One should learn from the mistakes of others and use that knowledge in achieving their own goals. I have my motto: “Dream big, start small”. It takes time and dedication to achieve something. During this educational program, I realized that I should not be afraid of making mistakes and should follow my dreams. If I succeed, I will open a manufactory and make more affordable, colorful, and non-food glazes of Armenian production, instead of importing them,” Anna Tsatryan says.

The program “Get Started” is implemented in two stages by the “Association of Armenian Online Media and Journalists” NGO and Mediamax, with the general partnership of Viva-MTS. It is an important platform for young start-uppers. The shared experience of successful companies and participation in workshops with mentors help young people assess the feasibility of starting a project. The program also includes a competition where the startup projects developed during the workshops and recognized as the best receive monetary incentives.

The program is an important platform for developing the imaginative potential, creativity and desire for achievements among young people.

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