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CrowdStrike is having problems with Windows again but thankfully just with 24H2 and just in some Office programs


Update: Crowdstrike says the issue is due to Microsoft's error, not its own. In a statement we've received, the company says:

"This is not a CrowdStrike issue. An issue in Windows 11 24H2 is causing some specific applications to hang. CrowdStrike identified and reported the issue with Windows 11 24H2 to Microsoft and are waiting for them on a resolution."

Microsoft says it is collaborating with Crowdstrike on a solution.

Original story: Windows 11's latest build, 24H2, is officially here and rolling out gradually. Microsoft calls it a "full OS swap", so it's no surprise that there have been a fair few kinks to work out. The latest one of these, however, is with none other than CrowdStrike's Falcon sensor, the security software responsible for the worldwide IT outage back in July.

According to Microsoft (via PC World), "after installing Windows 11, version 24H2, first and third-party apps might stop responding when antimalware security solutions enable certain features. Office applications such as Word and Excel might be affected."

Although Microsoft says the problem is with "antimalware security solutions", it clarifies that "affected devices have CrowdStrike’s Falcon sensor software" and a particular policy setting enabled.

To help fix the issue for the time being, according to Microsoft, CrowdStrike has "temporarily disabled the Enhanced Exploitation Visibility Prevention Policy setting on hosts running Windows 11, version 24H2".

In the longer term, Microsoft says the two companies are "collaborating on a solution".

Prior to this temporary fix, organisations using CrowdStrike Falcon as their cybersecurity solution were apparently facing crashes in Office applications such as Word or Excel if their systems upgraded to 24H2.

I say "organisations" rather than "home users" because CrowdStrike Falcon is primarily for organisations, so most home users' won't need to worry about their personal devices being affected. It's a cloud-based antimalware solution that monitors systems and networks for possible malicious activity—an Endpoint Detection Solution (EDS).

Earlier in the year, an update for the Falcon software, which was passed over by a buggy Content Validator, caused out-of-bounds memory reads on Windows machines and ultimately resulted in BSODs on computer systems across the world. It was one weak link in the chain that led to chaos.

Thinking of upgrading?

(Image credit: Microsoft)

Windows 11 review: What we think of the latest OS.
How to install Windows 11: Our guide to a secure install.
Windows 11 TPM requirement: Strict OS security.

Thankfully, this latest issue is nothing like that: the 2H24 update has led to crashes in just some Office programs when paired with Crowdstrike's sensor, and does already have a temporary fix. Crowdstrike is also keen to suggest the issue is not its fault this time.

What we do know is that 24H2's roll-out hasn't been completely smooth. And despite it having some neat but non-revolutionary features—File Explorer file dragging improvements and a Wi-Fi refresh button, anyone?—unless I'm someone who's going all-in on the AI PC hype I'm probably sticking with 23H2 for now.

That's just me, though. Those of you more adventurous than I can have at it—well, as soon as the update rolls out for your device and location, that is.

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