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Mika Singh calls working with Bipasha Basu and Karan Singh Grover a ‘horrible experience’, ‘They are married but…’


Singer Mika Singh is loved for his peppy and amazing songs. He has been a part of the Bollywood industry for a long time. It is always a treat to hear his songs during parties and weddings. But, not many know that he is also a producer. Yes, he had stepped into film production with the movie, Dangerous. He collaborated with filmmaker Vikram Bhatt who is known for making amazing thriller movies. Mika had brought up Vikram Bhatt's entire team to ensure that his movie turns out to be a hit.

The movie starred Karan Singh Grover and Bipasha Basu. Mika and his team had initially planned to have a newcomer opposite Karan in the movie to maintain the budget. But, Bipasha then showed interest in being a part of the movie opposite her husband, Karan Singh Grover.

Mika Singh recalls working with Karan and Bipasha

Recently, Mika Singh shared that the movie he made with Karan and Bipasha became a nightmare for him. He spoke to podcast KADAK and shared that they wanted to cast Karan Singh Grover and a newcomer girl so that the movie remains in budget and they make something nice.

He added that soon Bipasha came in and asked if she and Karan can work together. Mika then revealed that Bipasha was finalised and it all happened in budget only but he had a horrible experience with them. The singer further shared that he took a team of 50 to London for a month-long schedule but it extended to two month and Karan and Bipasha created a lot of drama.

He said, "They were a married couple so I booked a single room for them. But, they were like, 'No, we need our separate rooms.' I didn't understand the logic. They then demanded to shift to a different hotel. We did that as well." He also revealed that they even created issues while dubbing the film and were giving excuses that they have sore throats and other things.

He added that the couple refused to perform a kissing scene despite it being part of their contract and they being married. The singer feels these stars fall on the feet of big producers but their attitude changes when it comes to smaller producers. He said that he will never produce a film now and even advised this to others.

Karan and Bipasha got married in 2016 and welcomed their first child in 2022. They named their daughter, Devi.

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