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The Queen has joined the boycott of Russia with this powerful cultural statement 


It’s the latest in a string of statements the royals have made to show their solidarity with Ukraine 

Nearly three weeks into Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the UK, EU and USA are continuing to impose unprecedented financial penalties on Russia. The hope is that these sanctions will force Putin to back down by crippling the Russian economy. 

In a bid to further isolate Russia from the rest of the World, a number of cultural institutions are cutting their ties with the country. Several have recently pulled out of one particular exhibition due to take place in Moscow, including the Royal Collection. 

Representing the royal family’s extensive art collection, the Royal Collection was due to loan three swords to be displayed at Moscow’s Kremlin Museums for its upcoming exhibition on duelling. 

The Queen officially withdrew her permission for the 17th-century weapons to be featured when tensions in Ukraine were mounting on 24 February, the Guardian reports

The exhibition, called The Duel: from Trial by Combat to a Noble Crime, has now been postponed, with several other European institutions also pulling out. The Duel was supposed to be sponsored by Russian oligarch and former fencer Alisher Usmanov, who has recently been sanctioned by the UK, EU and USA. 

Meanwhile, other members of the royal family have shown their solidarity with Ukraine. This has surprised many royal commentators, as the family rarely comment on global politics.

“We are in solidarity with all those who are resisting brutal aggression,” said Prince Charles earlier this month. And Kate Middleton and Prince William have also stated that they “stand with” Ukraine, prompting a special thanks from Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. 

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge visited London’s Ukrainian Cultural Centre last week to meet with volunteers sending humanitarian aid to the country. William spoke about the issue of how to speak to his kids about the war, and the couple also shared homemade brownies and granola bars with the volunteers. 

It’s great to see the royals join the rest of the country to show their support for Ukraine. After all, there are always things we can do to make a difference, however small. 

The post The Queen has joined the boycott of Russia with this powerful cultural statement  appeared first on Marie Claire.

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