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OVIO initiates DC24 conference on Development of Cloud Technologies and Data Centres in Yerevan

OVIO initiates DC24 conference on Development of Cloud Technologies and Data Centres in Yerevan

On June 26 OVIO initiated quot;DC24quot; conference on quot;Development of Cloud Technologies and Data Centresquot; in Yerevan.br /


YEREVAN, 27 June. /ARKA/. On June 26 a href=https://www.ovio.am/OVIO/a initiated DC24 conference on Development of Cloud Technologies and Data Centres in Yerevan.



Taking into account the necessity of digital transformation due to growing technological requirements, the importance of following and complying with international technological trends, the role of data centres and cloud technologies operating in them, the importance of information security for public and private sectors, representatives of various international and local organisations were given the opportunity to present their own experience. and vision of Armenia's transition to another technological level.



Due to the increasing amount of data, new challenges arise. Cybersecurity, reliable data storage and other new technological solutions have become an important component for the public and private sectors.



The conference aimed to raise the challenges of the sector and find solutions. We have recently launched the largest a href=https://www.ovio.am/data-centerData Centre/a in the region and value the approaches and needs of industry professionals and stakeholder organisations.



The OVIO Data Centre has tremendous potential. More than 210 server cabinets, powered by two independent substations, 2MgV capacity, compliant with ISO 27001, 27017, 27018, PCI DSS and TIER III international standards, said Hayk Faramazyan, CEO of OVIO.



During the conference, OVIO and QRATOR LABS, an international company known for its network access solutions, signed a cooperation agreement combining OVIO's certified data centre and cloud solution provider and the broad and comprehensive solutions of QRATOR LABS, a cloud-based network security provider based on its own geo-distributed filtering network base.



Within the conference, speakers focused on a variety of topics. OVIO, application and role of cloud data centre services for public and private sectors, dynamics of digital transformation of government and business, global trends in data centres, importance of knowledge of technologies used by cloud service providers, cyber security, etc.



Director of the Armenian Information Systems Agency, Head of the Technology and Cybersecurity Department of the Central Bank, representatives of global organisations Uptime and Lenovo and others took part in the conference and made speeches.



It is worth noting that the OVIO Data Centre is equipped with the equipment of Lenovo, one of the world's largest suppliers of data storage systems. Such cooperation and integration ensure high performance and reliability for the data centre customers. -0-





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