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On Dragon Age's 15th anniversary, join us in celebrating one of the most iconic RPG series of all time


When Dragon Age: Origins first launched back in 2009, it was both the start of something and the end of something.

On the one hand, alongside Mass Effect it helped to make the genre bigger and more exciting than ever, in the process laying down a template for cinematic, big budget RPGs that's still enormously influential today.

But also, in the time since, it has felt like the last swan song of a certain traditional style of RPG in the blockbuster realm—one interested in top-down, tactical, real-time-with-pause combat, random encounters, and intricate character building across an entire party of characters.

That friction has given it a special place in the PC gaming canon—and in lots of fan's hearts. Appropriately, it's a symbol of two different ages of RPGs, and remembered fondly by fans of both.

In many ways, the series has subsequently struggled to live up to that legacy, always attempting to evoke the magic of that first game, but also to move its formula and its world forward with the times. It seems to have a fresh identity crisis with each entry, changing how it looks and feels dramatically each time.

But despite that, each game in the series has had its own moments that have resonated and stayed with fans through the years—and, more importantly, its own beloved characters, cherished like few others in the world of videogames. Companions such as Morrigan, Varric, Iron Bull, and many more stand as elder statesmen of the RPG world, benchmarks for design, writing, and performance across the industry. And you could fill a thousand galleries with the fanart…

So this week, as the series turns 15, and in the wake of a controversial new sequel, we're looking back on the whole history of the series—its highs, its lows, and the things that we love here on the team. Check back over the course of the week, as I'll be adding to the list each day with more and more nostalgic ruminating on quests long completed.

A tribute to Morrigan

(Image credit: BioWare)

Morrigan isn't just my favourite Dragon Age character, she's the greatest fantasy RPG companion of all time

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The ranking of Origins

(Image credit: EA)

Every origin in Dragon Age: Origins, ranked

"Origins" wasn't just a meaningless subtitle, it was a whole new approach to introducing your character to the world. But which of the game's playable intros was the best, and which best forgotten? Jody weighs in.

An ode to the Hinterlands

(Image credit: BioWare)

Dragon Age: Inquisition's Hinterlands were the closest BioWare got to making an Elder Scrolls-style open world, and everyone agreed you should leave as quickly as possible

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