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White House admits difficulties in implementing Israel-Hamas deal

The deal between Israel and the Palestinian movement Hamas may not go smoothly. White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said this at a briefing for journalists on January 15, broadcast on the US administration's YouTube channel.

"There is no doubt that not everything will go smoothly here," the spokeswoman said.

She said the U.S. sees a threat of escalation of the conflict in Gaza if Hamas does not release the hostages. Jean-Pierre specified that only two Americans will be released in the first phase of the deal.

She specified that the agreements were reached, among other things, thanks to a constructive partnership with the team of US President-elect Donald Trump.

Jean-Pierre added that the meeting on the implementation of all issues of the deal will be held on January 16.

Earlier in the day it was reported that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had a phone conversation with Trump and thanked him for his help in reaching a deal on Gaza.

The agreement on a ceasefire in Gaza between Hamas and Israel became known on January 15. The first phase, which will last 42 days, will include the release of 33 Israeli hostages in exchange for Palestinian prisoners.

According to The Wall Street Journal, the release of hostages in the Gaza Strip under the agreement will take place over at least several weeks. On the same day, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) press office noted that the Israeli army is preparing to receive the freed hostages.

Israeli President Yitzhak Herzog, in turn, called the agreement "a correct and necessary step." According to him, the Israeli authorities will seek the return of all captives.

UN Secretary-General António Guterres also supported the deal and expressed readiness to assist in its implementation. He also stressed that the organization is "unwavering in its commitment" to peace and stability in the region, and will do everything to ensure that civilians are supported.

In addition, Trump linked the agreement reached to his election victory. The president-elect added that his national security team will continue to work with Israel and allies "to make sure that Gaza never again becomes a safe haven for terrorists."

The situation in the Middle East escalated on the morning of October 7, 2023, when the Palestinian Hamas movement launched a massive rocket attack from the Gaza Strip into Israel. On the same day, Israel began retaliatory strikes.

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