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These Danner Boots Are So Comfy They're 'Like Wearing a Pair of Bedroom Slippers,' and They're Over $80 Off


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The tradition of American boot manufacturing is alive and well. Brands like Red Wing and Thorogood are Midwestern mainstays, while Portland-based Danner proudly reps the West Coast. Founded in 1932, Danner started making boots for loggers and also became popular with hikers and adventurers. Of course, American-made leather boots can be expensive, but Danner’s signature work boot, the Bull Run, just got a rare discount at REI.

Typically $270, the Bull Run Lux Boots are discounted to $189, a 30% discount. The tan and white Sunstone colorway is mostly sold out, but the Vintage Sterling colorway is currently still in stock in most sizes. 

Danner Bull Run Lux Boots, $189 (was $270) at REI

Courtesy of REI

The Bull Run Lux has a typical work boot silhouette, with a 6-inch over-the-ankle shaft and a slip-resistant rubber wedge sole. They are a moc-toe, or moccasin toe style, referring to the U-shaped stitching across the upper. The boots are unlined and don’t have a safety toe, making them suited for multi-season casual wear.

The uppers are made from nubuck. Nubuck is a type of leather with the supple hand feel of suede but the durability of leather. The OrthoLite footbeds add comfort and cushioning to each stride, and the shoes utilize speed hooks for quick lacing. Plus, the shoes come with a spare set of laces.

While many work boots are known for a brutal break-in period, shoppers found that these Danner boots are "comfy from the start," and have "no break-in period." Another wrote, "After a short break-in, these boots are very comfortable."

"The quality is outstanding at this price point," one reviewer said. "Every stitch is perfect and the leather is beautiful. Like wearing a pair of bedroom slippers when you slide your feet inside…I can wear them all day in comfort. Absolutely beautiful. Well worth every penny."

The classic look of the boots earned raves, with one shopper writing that the boots are "perfect for ‘Colorado casual’ office attire as I like to call it here in Denver." Shoppers liked the stand-out aesthetic of the Vintage Sterling colorway, with one writing, "The sterling looked so good I decided not to wear them for work," adding, "I'll have to save up and order another pair." Another wrote, "The Vintage Sterling color makes it distinctive."

Finding American-made boots with details like stitch-down construction for under $200 can be a tough feat. If you’re looking for comfortable work boots that are comfortable enough for a day on your feet and stylish enough for drinks after, consider picking up Danner’s Bull Run Lux Boots for 30% off.

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