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Fabrizio Romano congratulates Tottenham on signing “one of the best talents” in the country

Fabrizio Romano congratulates Tottenham on signing “one of the best talents” in the country

Transfer news expert Fabrizio Romano has congratulated Tottenham for the signing of Leeds United wonderkid Archie Gray as the deal now looks to be all but done. Speaking exclusively to CaughtOffside via the Debrief podcast, Romano provided some latest details on Spurs’ swoop for Gray, also explaining that Borussia Dortmund and Brentford were interested in […]

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Transfer news expert Fabrizio Romano has congratulated Tottenham for the signing of Leeds United wonderkid Archie Gray as the deal now looks to be all but done.

Speaking exclusively to CaughtOffside via the Debrief podcast, Romano provided some latest details on Spurs’ swoop for Gray, also explaining that Borussia Dortmund and Brentford were interested in the 18-year-old.

Gray looks a superb talent, with Romano even claiming he’s one of the best young prospects in England at the moment as he congratulated Tottenham on the deal.

Romano also explained that Spurs defender Joe Rodon will be moving to Leeds as part of the deal, and it’s now just about waiting for the official statements from clubs.

Gray transfer info from Fabrizio Romano

“First of all, congratulations to Tottenham because they signed one of the best talents around in England,” Romano said.

Archie Gray is set to join Tottenham

“And it was not an easy deal because Bradford were close to signing Archie Gray over the weekend. The deal was almost done, even with a medical ready for the player. But then between clubs, there were some issues also on the structure of the deal, the structure of the payment. And so Tottenham had enough time to enter into conversations with the player to enter into conversations with Brentford and to close the deal for Archie Gray.

“So the deal is going to be worth something around £40million and as part of the deal there will be also Joe Rodon going the other way, so the total value of the deal is going to be around £30million pounds plus Joe Rodon with value around £10m.

“Many clubs were following the player what i heard is that before Brentford around April and May Borussia Dortmund really tried to make things happen to bring up to Gray to Germany but then he decided to wait for opportunities in England and now Tottenham complete this deal, so it’s done, just waiting for the official statement.”

Tottenham fans will be excited to see their club win the race for this exciting talent, who could end up being a great long-term investment, as well as someone who may well be ready to make an impact at the club immediately.

The post Fabrizio Romano congratulates Tottenham on signing “one of the best talents” in the country appeared first on CaughtOffside.

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