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Liverpool fans will be thrilled to find out this Mohamed Salah news from Richard Keys


Speculation around the future of Mohamed Salah has started as the attacker has entered the final year of his contract at the club.

He has been linked with a move away from Anfield with Saudi Pro League and the Major League Soccer both interested in recruiting the Premier League star.

The Liverpool attacker has been in fine form this season for the Reds, scoring seven goals in the league and providing five assists.

Arne Slot’s side is sitting at the top of the league comfortably thanks to Salah’s brilliant performances this season.

Football presenter Richard Keys has provided the latest update on the future of the Liverpool star.

Keys has claimed that Salah is ready to stay at the club but he wants a new three-year deal to continue his successful spell at Anfield.

Keys wrote:

“Mo Salah’s latest cryptic tweet has caused a bit of a stir, which is exactly what he wanted of course. Two seasons back he was definitely leaving the club – that was until Liverpool had a dramatic of mind – sold Mane and decided to make Salah the highest paid player at the club. The article in Saturday’s Mail, based on Simon Hughes’ new book Chasing Salah, must have made interesting reading for some. It confirmed what I’d been saying during the period the two of them played together. Do you remember? Liverpool fans used to hammer me for it. They didn’t like each other. My information now is that Salah wants to stay, but it’ll take a 3-year deal to settle him down.”

Mohamed Salah has been the best player for Liverpool this season. (Photo by Jan Kruger/Getty Images)

Liverpool cannot afford to lose Mohamed Salah

Salah posted a cryptic message on his X account following Liverpool’s win against Brighton and his post received a lot of attention from the fans.

It is difficult to make conclusions about what he meant with his post but information from Keys has confirmed that the player is willing to stay at the club.

It would be a huge boost for the Reds but what remains to be seen is if they are willing to match his salary demands and offer him a new contract.

The Merseyside club should make sure that they keep Salah at the club and provide him whatever he needs to stay, that is how important he is to their hopes of winning silverware.

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