Paper Blog

Новости за 15.06.2016

Know Your Spouse

Paper Blog 

Film: Suspicion
Format: Turner Classic Movies on rockin’ flatscreen. When I did the 1001 Movies list, I watched a lot of Hitchcock, since he is by far the best-represented director on the big list. Not all of Hitch’s movies made the list, though, and the only one that contains an Oscar-winning performance was left off. That film is Suspicion, a film that is in many ways classic Hitchcock and in others seems tonally strange. It’s a hard film to figure. Part of the tonal strangeness comes from... Читать дальше...

Trophy hunting of grizzly bears to continue in British Columbia – The Globe and Mail

Paper Blog 

Justine Hunter, VICTORIA — The Globe and Mail

“British Columbia is cracking down on the use of sheep and goats as pack animals for big game hunters in its latest set of hunting and trapping regulations. But the contentious trophy hunting of grizzly bears will continue unchanged.

“The provincial ministry responsible for hunting produced updated regulations on Monday, and although it has rejected a proposal to increase ...

Japanese Cotton Cheesecake (8" round pan)

Paper Blog 

Trying out my new one piece Mondo 8" round pan, 4" height, I bought it online from Baking Pleasure. Well, because of this Japanese Cotton Cheesecake...my kitchen has a few new baking pans! Add to the previous attempts, this is the sixth!

Oh dear! Again! The surface peeled when I trying to flip the cake over. I use a different silicon cake mat not the Silpat mat! Put aside the sad incident....the cake texture is very good, soft, light and cottony cream cheese texture!

Ten Mile Wide Chunks of Arctic Sea Ice are Disintegrating North of Svalbard | robertscribbler

Paper Blog 

Robert Scribbler--“Over the past 10 days, the rate of sea ice extent loss in the Arctic has slowed down somewhat. And as a result sea ice extent measures, though maintaining in record low ranges, are much closer now to the 2012 line. Low pressure systems have come to dominate the Arctic Ocean zone. And the outwardly expanding counter-clockwise winds from these systems have tended to cause the ice to spread out and to thin. In the past, such events were seen as an ice preserving feature. But this year, there’s cause for a little doubt. Читать дальше...

Why You Need to Get Those Gutters Cleaned Right Now!

Paper Blog 

A lot of homeowners typically create to-do lists, even if just in their heads, to help themselves stay organized. We include common daily tasks and basic household chores such as cleaning and doing the laundry, picking up the kids from school, paying bills, and having our cars maintained in our mental checklists.

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WAN IFRA Congress: Highlights and Takeaways

Paper Blog 

The Third Party Distributors and the Battle for Your Audience

A question the panel tried to answer: "How can we accommodate so many of these social media platforms?”

As I participated in the WAN IFRA World Congress's 68th gathering, ...

Avenir Lavender Essential Oil Review

Paper Blog 

Aromatherapy is a widely practiced form of naturally treating disorders through various smells. Lavender oil is widely used across the world as an aromatherapy essential oil. Today I will be sharing my views on the Avenir Lavender Essential Oil.

About Avenir Lavender Essential Oil:
Lavender oil not only has a wonderful aroma, but it also has bountiful health and healing properties. It’s a restorative and exhilarating oil with ...

How is Window Performance Rated? Making Sense of the NFRC Label

Paper Blog 

Looking for an energy-efficient replacement window? Replacing your old windows with energy-efficient options is made easier nowadays because labels are in place to indicate how well a certain window performs. Among the most common labels that you will see in today’s windows is the National Fenestration Rating Council (NFRC) label. In this post, I will be discussing what each performance rating means to help you choose the best replacement window for your home.

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Paper Blog 

(from guest blogger Lucy Adams) 

We easily notice the changes new technologies bring into our world. But do we think about their origin? Obviously, we don’t.  But so do writers – true idea generators who faster than others feel the nature of impending changes…Among the many writers who left a rich legacy, there are many of those who gave us a new vision.
The history knows a lot of great writers who formulated new ideas and eventually created an intellectual and – perhaps even more important ... Читать дальше...


«Он был как разъяренная чихуахуа!» Егор Шип пригрозил блогеру Андрею Савочкину встречей в Москве в новом выпуске реалити «Первые на деревне» на ТНТ

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Собянин: Столичные ярмарки выходного дня оформили в новом стиле

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«Он был как разъяренная чихуахуа!» Егор Шип пригрозил блогеру Андрею Савочкину встречей в Москве в новом выпуске реалити «Первые на деревне» на ТНТ

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