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Новости за 23.01.2019

As I write this song...

Paper Blog 

Living a life
Or living a lie
Harmony or strife
Eventually you'll die

If you get to see
The moonlight
Above the sea
Or it's out of sight

The beat of the drums
Creating the melody
It goes and comes
But heard by nobody

Burning away the lampActing as if you are brazen
Making it damp
Even in the ...

Rav Chaim Kanievsky on making aliya before the elections

Paper Blog 

According to a report on Matzav, the upcoming elections might not mean as much as they have been made to be.. As a matter of fact, they might be meaningless. They might not even happen at all!

The story goes that someone from abroad went to visit Rav Chaim Kanievsky and get a bracha. he asked Rav Chaim Kanievsky if he should make aliya so that he will be able to vote for Degel hatorah in the upcoming elections.

That's dedication!

Rav Chaim Kanievsky responded that there... Читать дальше...

Jewellery And Accessories For Your Lehenga Saree

Paper Blog 

Jewellery is every woman's best friend. The lehenga saree has seen a lot of transformation throughout the years which means the fashion accessories has changed too. Other than the usual necklaces and earrings matching the right accessories to the lehenga choli will glam up your natural look in an instant.

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Paper Blog 

Jumper-MissguidedLeggings (old)Boots-Missguided
I'm obsessed with the neon trend at the moment, I love to add a splash of color to my winter wardrobe. This beautiful neon jumper is from Missguided and its so warm and cosy and ...

American Soul: First Look At Kelly Rowland As Gladys Knight

Paper Blog 

FirstLadyB | Merging Faith and Black Entertainment News

The American Soul BET series has released a new trailer, and we get to see Don Cornelious (Sinqua Walls) attempting to sell Gladys Knight (Kelly Rowland)  on his dream of Soul Train.

“I see freedom.  I see economic power. What ownership is like.That is the way we can truly overcome.”

Top 10 Best fitness apps (android/iPhone) 2019

Paper Blog 

Do you want to lose fat? DO you want to have flat tummy? DO you want to strengthen and build your muscles? Then you are at right page. Here we are discussing about Best fitness apps Android/ iPhone 2019 with the help of which you can build your muscles, lose weight and make your tummy flat and keep your body fit. These apps will help you to remain fit without even going to gym. Here are these Best fitness apps Android/ iPhone 2019.

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Mini Pin-It Reviews #28 – Four YA Novels

Paper Blog 

Hello everyone and welcome to another mini pin-it reviews post! I have a massive backlog of reviews and this is my way of trying to get on top of things a bit. This isn’t to say I didn’t like some of these books – my star rating is a more accurate reflection of this, but this is a great, snappy way of getting my thoughts across and decreasing my backlog a bit. This time I’ve got four YA novels for you – please ...

Lockheed F-104C Starfighter

Paper Blog 

@ The Museum of Flight, Seattle, WA

May 2013

This was the first aircraft to achieve sustained Mach 2 flight and the first to hold speed and altitude records simultaneously, as well as the first to reach 100,000 feet.  The Starfighter entered service with the U.S. Air Force in 1958 as an interceptor. By the Vietnam War, it had moved into a fighter-bomber role.  While the USAF only purchased 296 F-104s, improved F-104s sold very well overseas, serving as late as 2004.  This museum example is painted in NASA colors. Читать дальше...

The 50 best jobs for 2019

Paper Blog 

Handshake icon

Glassdoor published their 50 best jobs for 2019 and while domainer did not make the list, the list can be useful to review to see what jobs are trending upwards. The list includes the median base salary and current number of positions open.

Many domain investors own job and occupational type domains, the list can be used to see what names you own that are in the top 50 and you might want to adjust your pricing accordingly.

Here are the top 10


Usual Labour bullshit vs usual Tory bullshit

Paper Blog 

From The Guardian:

Sadiq Khan will make a campaign for wide-ranging rent control the key plank of his 2020 re-election bid, asking the government to give the London mayoralty the power to combat soaring rents in the capital.

That is the most staggeringly meaningless promise ever, and one on which he cannot actually deliver. Even if he wins and asks the government to give him the statutory power to regulate rents, they will simply refuse.

This reminds me of his meaningless fares-freeze pledge... Читать дальше...

Three tips for making the best use of your garage space

Paper Blog 

Some of the most beautiful homes in the Phoenix area make us drool with envy. But, the truth is, if you open the garage, the contents would make Marie Kondo apoplectic. Today we’re going to explain how you can make the best use of garage space if you rethink the use of your garage, organize the contents logically, and protect the contents once your garage becomes organized.

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Gardens and gardening: Design trends for 2019

Paper Blog 

Any gardener will tell you that taking up gardening was one of the best decisions of their lives. After all, they gained the chance to create something new, watch it grow, and help it stay strong and blossoming. This something is a beautiful garden which resembles a piece of heaven and offers a safe place from the busy and stressful days we all know too well. There's infinite opportunity to be creative with gardening, which is proven by the fact that new designs keep ...

9 for ’19: Web Design Trends for 2019

Paper Blog 

Sticky navigation, increased interactivity, and longer landing pages are just a few of the Web design trends that integrated marketers will see dominating in 2019. Here are nine that will be everywhere by April.

If your New Year's resolution is ...

Psychedelic Porn Crumpets: Keen For Kick Ons?

Paper Blog 

photo: Sam Hesketh

Aussie rockers Psychedelic Porn Crumpets keep their flow of off-kilter party tunes going with their new single Keen For Kick Ons?, an uptempo fuzzy guitar driven song with the muffled vocal harmonies, a hard to ignore invitation to join in the party and dance with reckless abandon.

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Музыкальные новости
Елена Волкова

В Италии прошел первый этап проекта «Культурная миссия в Италии»

Сергей Собянин

Собянин сообщил о перехвате летевшего на Москву беспилотника

Мамиашвили: не стал бы надеяться на какой-то позитив со стороны МОК на сегодняшний день

Здание детского сада «Белочка» капитально отремонтируют в Домодедове

Вайцеховская: Дэвис и Смолкин образца Монреаля подачей разительно отличаются от всех российских танцоров

Многодетная семья из Тульской области стала победителем Всероссийского конкурса «Семья года»

Walls and Calls

Paper Blog 

With a barely concealed chortle the man’s ebullient voice burbled on my answering machine.  For a donation right now, he gushed, Republicans would send bricks to Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi to show my (non-existent) support for Trump’s wall.  Our government has been shut down for a record period over a temper-tantrum by a man desperate to leave something tangible from his wasted term as president.  Apart from the clean-up of the Trumpian incontinence that has befouled this nation, his legacy... Читать дальше...


Продвижение Песен и Музыки в Яндекс Музыка. Увеличение прослушиваний трека, плейлиста, лайки на трек. Кураторские Плейлисты.

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Собянин сообщил о перехвате летевшего на Москву беспилотника

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Музыкальные новости

Елена Волкова

В Италии прошел первый этап проекта «Культурная миссия в Италии»

Спорт в России и мире

Алексей Смирнов – актер, которого, надеюсь, еще не забыли

Якутянка стала чемпионкой России по дзюдо

Спортсмены Центрального округа Росгвардии заняли призовые места на всероссийских соревнованиях общества «Динамо» по самбо и боевому самбо

ЦСКА вновь проигрывает: "Сочи" вырывает победу в серии буллитов


Мирра Андреева в финале WTA 500 в Нинбо: борьба за 920 тыс. долларов

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