Paper Blog

Новости за 15.02.2019

Congress Passes The Budget (And It's Veto-Proof)

Paper Blog 

There won't be a shutdown. The 116th Congress passed a budget for the rest of this year. Sources are saying that Trump will sign the budget, but it doesn't really matter.

The House passed the budget 300 to 128. The Senate passed it 83 to 16. Those are veto-proof margins. If Trump surprises Congress and vetoes the budget (which would shut down the government again), Congress will just override his veto.

McConnell, and others close ...

1/4 Of Reg. Voters Say God Wanted Trump To Be President

Paper Blog 

The chart above reflects the results of a new Fox News Poll -- done between February 10th and 12th of a national sample of 1,004 registered voters, and has a margin of error of 3 points.

It shows a rather shocking result (at least for me it's shocking). It seems that about 1 out of every four registered voters (25%) thinks that god wanted Donald Trump to ...

British Writer Pens The Best Description Of Trump I've Read

Paper Blog 

(Caricature of Donald Trump is by DonkeyHotey.)

The following was found at LA Progressive:

Someone on Quora asked “Why do some British people not like Donald Trump?” Nate White, an articulate and witty writer from England wrote the following response: A few things spring to mind. Trump lacks certain qualities which the British traditionally esteem. For instance, he has no class, no charm, no coolness, no credibility, ...

Important things to Know Before Microblading your Eyebrows

Paper Blog 

What Should You Consider Before Making a Microblading Appointment?

Full and bold eyebrows are the latest trend in today’s beauty and makeup industry, and many celebrities are well-known for their bold eyebrow statements. If you have tried eyebrow pencils, gel, stencils, and powder but you still aren’t able to create the fuller look you want, then you may start to consider microblading.

Microblading has grown in popularity in recent years. This can be attributed to the natural but long-lasting look it can provide. Читать дальше...

Keto Vanilla Marshmallow Smoothie | Ketogenic Diet Menu Plan

Paper Blog 

Containing abundance of fat and protein this keto friendly vanilla marshmallow smoothie can be a perfect start of a day. Besides the fact that, this vanilla marshmallow smoothie is very sweet, creamy and a very satisfying drink it is also keto friendly and super easy to make and a healthy option for a snack, a quick breakfast or a dessert.

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A Guide to the Workings of Automated Driveway Gates

Paper Blog 

If you have ever wondered how automatic driveway gates work, this article was written with you in mind. There are several types of automated gates and which one is most suitable would depend on several factors, which is something that the supplier would discuss with you. If you are interested in acquiring a set of electric gates for your property, here is a brief description of the various types on the market today.

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Two Stories

Paper Blog 

I love the two stories behind these images.  I bet you know them both.

Ultra Soft Pineapple Chiffon Cake - HIGHLY HIGHLY HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!!

Paper Blog 

&version;Just realize that in a few days time, the Chinese New Year celebration is over...

Are you putting your feet up and relaxing? Or still busy with your CNY cooking and baking?

In the midst of celebrating Chinese New Year, I have noticed that many home-bakers are taking a break after their intensive pre-CNY baking.

If you still wish to bake something auspicious with Ong Lai (means pineapple and also "good fortune is coming" in Hokkien) for your on-going Chinese New Year celebration... Читать дальше...

CONTEST: Win tickets to the Mile High Beer Festival!

Paper Blog 

Win a pair of tickets to the 2019 Mile High Beer Festival!

Want to win a pair of tickets to the Mile High Beer Festival on Saturday, March 2nd? Then you’re in the right place!

***Comment on this post with YOUR answer to this question: Which COLORADO brewery do you most hope to see at this year’s Mile High Beer Fest?*** 

Winner will be chosen at random and will be selected on Friday, February 22nd. Tickets are for Session 1 of the fest.

Now, here’s all the ...

Criterion Channel Movie of the Week: ‘Mikey and Nicky’

Paper Blog 

Criterion Channel Movie of the Week: 'Mikey and Nicky'

On November 29th, 2018, FilmStruck was killed. FilmStruck was a movie streaming app that specialized in actually curating a library of must-sees. It including offerings from the Criterion Collection, Turner Classic Movies, and Warner's older content. It was great for any aspiring cinephile that needed to watch the classic greats that all other movies get compared to. For better or worse. I loved it, and I used it for nothing ...

[WATCH] Tamela Mann Releases Official Music Video For “Mason Jar”

Paper Blog 

Tamela Tamela Tamela

Tamela Mann releases new music video that pays tribute to her grandmother, mother, and the love of her life, husband David Mann.

The Grammy® award-winning recording artist dropped the music video for “Mason Jar”  from her latest album Us Against the World: The Love Project with her husband, NAACP Image Award-Winning Actor and Comedian David Mann.

FFS Friday - I'm raving I'm raving

Paper Blog 

You know when you make a change, hoping that it'll work but knowing that it won't? We did that. We f@#$ed up.

Chai has never been great at sleeping. Ever. The only time he sleeps well is in our bed. Tiger can't sleep with him, Chai wriggles and kicks too much when Tiger is in the bed. If it's just Chai and I he barely moves. Strange. 

For the last few years the boys have slept in a queen sized bed. When Tiger is away, they go to sleep in their bed then come ...

Should You Pay for Free Time?

Paper Blog 

Advertisers and salesmen like to tell us that we deserve things.  We deserve a break today.  We deserve a vacation.  We deserve a nice place to live.  We deserve a drink.  They know that if they tap into the human emotion of entitlement, it will cause us to let go of our money and buy their product.  Sure, no one really needs anything done to them at a spa, but if you convince people that they deserve it, you can get them to spend $1,000 at a spa for a day bathing in mud or lying on a bed ...

Музыкальные новости

Во Владивостоке покажут премьерные балеты Мариинки


В Москве поймали 18-летнего барнаульца, который похитил у пенсионерки 8 млн рублей

Кадыров заявил, что встретил в Москве президента ОАЭ в составе делегации РФ

WSJ: Кнопочные гаджеты могут вытеснить сенсорные смартфоны из-за своей простоты

Стали известны подробности жуткого ДТП с пятью погибшими мигрантами

Путин проведет совещание с членами Совбеза и примет участие в саммите БРИКС

5 Things You Should Know About Diabetes

Paper Blog 

Diabetes is so common that we all know at least one person who lives with the struggles this condition brings. For some, they just need to carefully watch their diet to ensure that what they are putting into their bodies isn’t going to have an adverse reaction. For others, though, they live with the pain of giving themselves daily injections of insulin so they can maintain a semi-normal lifestyle.

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10 Landscape Features To Add Value To Your Home

Paper Blog 

When someone sees your home they judge it first on the outward appearance, meaning "don't judge a book by its cover" does not translate over to home value. Your landscaping actually does matter for the overall value of your property. If you're looking to increase your home's overall property worth, here are a few updates you could make to your lawn.

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How To Safely Use Pesticides On Your Lawn

Paper Blog 

A person doesn't have to be very old to remember reading about the famous pesticide called DDT. It helped civilization build the Panama canal that killed so many people with Malaria that the project was nearly abandoned. Then we started using on crops, trees, around the house, and even on cattle and pets. It was everywhere and it worked great, except for one small problem. It was caused birds to lay eggs with soft shells. The higher the exposure the softer the ...


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Музыкальные новости


Во Владивостоке покажут премьерные балеты Мариинки

Спорт в России и мире

Алексей Смирнов – актер, которого, надеюсь, еще не забыли

ЦСКА вновь проигрывает: "Сочи" вырывает победу в серии буллитов

Якутянка стала чемпионкой России по дзюдо

Заключительный отборочный этап на Кубок России по гонкам дронов прошел в Москве


Андреева прошла в финал турнира WTA в Нинбо на отказе Муховой

Новости Крыма на Sevpoisk.ru

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Gary Neville starts new job with Man Utd just days after club legend Sir Alex Ferguson was axed by Jim Ratcliffe

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