
The Morning After: 'Elden Ring' is a hit


Bandai Namco expected to sell four million copies of FromSoftware's Elden Ring. Considering Dark Souls 3 sold three million copies in the month it came out, that seemed a relatively ambitious goal. Elden Ring, however, eclipsed the company's expectations: It sold 12 million units worldwide, one million in Japan alone, within 18 days of its release.

Elden Ring was made with help from Game of Thrones author George R. R. Martin, who wrote the overarching mythos for the game — yes, there are dragons — so one part of the press release may not be a huge surprise: the possibility of expanding the IP "beyond the realm of games." Elden Ring, a new HBO series, coming soon?

— Mat Smith

The biggest stories you might have missed

Apple iPad Air (2022) review

Almost future proof.


Nathan Ingraham thinks the iPad Air is the best iPad for most people: It’s significantly better than the basic $329 iPad and is nearly identical to the 11-inch iPad Pro, which costs $200 more than the Air. If you want a bigger or smaller screen, the iPad mini and 12.9-inch iPad Pro are still great options. But if you want a premium tablet that’s about as future-proof as it gets, the iPad Air is the way to go.

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Netflix tests out ways to stop you sharing your login

It's kicking off a test in Peru, Chile and Costa Rica.

Netflix is gearing up to do something about unauthorized account sharing. After testing a notification last year that pushed people to stop mooching and get their own Netflix accounts, the company has announced another test in Chile, Costa Rica and Peru, which will let subscribers pay extra to share their accounts with people outside their home. According to Variety, subscribers will be able to add up to two "sub-members" for $2.99 each in Costa Rica. Those users will get their own Netflix logins, recommendations and profile.

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Chipotle's experimental tortilla robots know to add a little variety

Just tortilla chips for now.

Chipotle is testing Chippy, a version of Miso Robotics' arm-based automaton (already in use at White Castle) customized to make tortilla chips. The bot not only knows how to replicate Chipotle's recipe but is smart enough to add "subtle variations" to keep things interesting — you might get a little more lime or salt.

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Netflix brings Ukraine president’s sitcom back to its US service

The service claims 'Servant of the People' is back by popular demand.


Before he became president, Volodymyr Zelensky was a famous actor and comedian. He starred in a satirical comedy series called Servant of the People, which is now once again available to view on Netflix in the US. It’s an odd move, amid the conflict between Ukraine and Russia in which thousands of people have been killed.

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How to sell your used and unwanted gadgets

There are lots of ways to make a buck off your old stuff.

Our latest spring-cleaning guide is about clearing out your old tech — and hopefully making cash out of it. We highlight the best trade-in sites and stores, advice on how to sell directly and how to get the best cash-back deals, too. Maybe you’d be interested in an OLED upgrade for your old Switch?

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Audio-Technica's 20-hour earbuds are now available in the US for $149

Even with ANC on, the company promises up to 15 hours of use.

Audio-Technica introduced its latest true wireless earbuds last month in the UK and EU, and now you can order the long-lasting ATH-CKS50TW model in the US. For $149, you can expect up to 20 hours of battery life with active noise cancellation (ANC) disabled and up to 15 hours with it on. That's well beyond what most of the competition offers — with or without noise-canceling abilities. The buds are due to ship early-to-mid April.

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Собянин сообщил о перехвате летевшего на Москву беспилотника


Деиндустриализация Евросоюза и будущее Армении: Кто стал основным бенефициаром диверсии на «Северных потоках»

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Собянин сообщил о перехвате летевшего на Москву беспилотника

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