For The Win (usatoday.com)

5 NFL-themed Hallmark Channel ideas for the network to consider after Kansas City Chiefs movie


The NFL and the Hallmark Channel officially had their meet-cute on Tuesday as news broke that a Kansas City Chiefs-themed Hallmark Christmas movie was in the works.

The movie project will no doubt encapsulate the sappy, lovey-dovey Hallmark Christmas movie vibes we’ve come to expect from the network, just infused with the spirit of football (or something like that).

As we try to imagine how this Chiefs-inspired movie will go, we sat down at our screenwriter’s desk and came up with five more NFL-themed Hallmark movies that the network could consider for its upcoming slate of movies.

We won’t be offended if none of these pitches ever make it to your television screen.

However, we’d watch all five of these in a Hallmark marathon if we could.

Jessica McGowan/Getty Images

The 28-3 Days of Christmas: A Falcons Holiday Surprise

Lifelong Atlanta Falcons fan Patricia longs to one day see her favorite football team hoist the Lombardi Trophy, but the memories of watching them blow a 28-3 lead in Super Bowl 51 still puts a damper on her holidays. However, her co-worker Lance, a secret admirer (who isn’t super aware of the NFL or what 28-3 means but hears that’s some sort of a relevant number to Patricia’s interests), begins leaving her 28 Super Bowl-related items around her home, car and workplace every three days to try and get her attention. Naturally, Patricia begins to worry she’s being trolled by a New England Patriots fan (or worse, a New Orleans Saints fan) and tries to take matters into her own hands to find out who this secret admirer is once and for all. Hijinks ensue as they learn a lot about love, the true meaning of Christmas and why people who make 28-3 jokes deserve to spend the holidays alone. Big Boi, Jeff Foxworthy, Matt Ryan and Freddie Falcon make guest appearances in this wacky holiday romance.


New York, New York: A Jets Christmas Miracle 

Andy and Amy are childhood best friends, physical therapists and diehard New York Jets fans who long to see the team climb out of the Meadowlands pit of despair and get back to their winning ways. However, their friendship might grow into something more when they’re both hired by the organization to help quarterback Aaron Rodgers with his rehab process on his torn Achilles. This proves challenging as the two must first convince Rodgers of their medical knowledge while sneaking around the facilities to confiscate every untested supplement Rodgers is using to heal instead. Hijinks and romance ensue as the pair try desperately to save the Jets’ season. Fireman Ed co-stars in this very sweet holiday rom-com.

Kirby Lee/USA TODAY Sports

Happy Harbaugh-Days: A Chargers Christmas Extravaganza 

Los Angeles Chargers fan David can’t believe his favorite football team just hired Jim Harbaugh to be its head coach. However, his crush Danielle is a Las Vegas Raiders fan, which could doom any potential romance between the two. After he writes Harbaugh for help, he’s surprised to find the Michigan man on his porch sporting a pair of Dockers and drinking milk from a Tervis. The Chargers coach chooses to spend the holidays bouncing between coaching Los Angeles to the playoffs and helping David spark a romance with Danielle just in time for Christmas. John Harbaugh, Jack Harbaugh, Tom Crean and Connor Stallions all make appearances in this priceless holiday gem.

Tommy Gilligan/USA TODAY Sports

A Burning Buffalo Christmas Table for Two 

Bills security guard Amos has always longed to ask out Buffalo superfan and renowned burning table jumper Annie on a date, but he’s never gotten up the courage to do so. Determined to finally ask out Annie before the Christmas holidays, he enlists his friend and retired table-jumping icon Andrew to help him learn the ways of landing on burning plastic to impress Annie. The only problem is that Andrew also has a crush on Annie. Hopefully, this hilarious romantic triangle will go better for these Bills fans than the team’s playoff runs. Stefon Diggs was slated to co-star, but his trade forced him to leave the project.

Tom Pennington/Getty Images

A Cowboy for Christmas: Holiday Love in Dallas 

Texas cowboy Howie finally wants to lasso up some love, lest he spend another Christmas alone on his ranch with his cattle and horses. As he drives into Dallas to watch the Cowboys play on Christmas Day, he catches the eye of Hannah, a Cowboys cheerleader and city girl who moved to the Lone Star State to fulfill her dreams of cheering on the Cowboys in Jerry World. Well, Cowboys owner Jerry Jones’ AI hologram sees these two love birds giving each other a romantic look from across the stadium, and the computer program makes it his mission to connect them before the game clock strikes zero. Tony Romo co-stars, providing largely confusing analysis of whether or not Howie and Hannah will find each other by the end of the game.

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