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Syngenta releases two new active ingredients for turf: Plinazolin and Tymirium


Isocycloseram, a broad-spectrum insecticide AI, which will be marketed as Plinazolin technology and cyclobutrifluram, a nematicide and fungicide AI to be marketed as Tymirium technology.

<p>The post Syngenta releases two new active ingredients for turf: Plinazolin and Tymirium first appeared on Golfdom.</p>

Syngenta released two new active ingredients (AIs) pending registration with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for use in its Professional Solutions markets: isocycloseram, a broad-spectrum insecticide AI that will be marketed as Plinazolin technology, and cyclobutrifluram, a nematicide and fungicide AI to be marketed as Tymirium technology.

“Syngenta is proud to maintain its commitment to research and innovation, which lead to solutions that meet the evolving needs of our customers in the turf, ornamentals and professional pest management industries,” said Scott Reasons, head of Syngenta Professional Solutions in the Americas. “These novel active ingredients complement our current portfolio by increasing the level of control, broadening the pest control spectrum and helping to mitigate resistance.”

Plinazolin technology will control insects by contact and ingestion to quickly stop feeding. Plinazolin technology is the first mode of action for professional markets in IRAC Group 30.

Upon registration from the EPA, Plinazolin technology will be launched under Atexzo insecticide for control of annual bluegrass weevils, mole crickets, bermudagrass mites, billbugs, caterpillars and European crane flies.

Tymirium technology will be launched in the turf and ornamental markets as Trefinti nematicide/fungicide. For turf, Tymirium technology will offer control of sting, lance, root-knot and Anguina nematodes, while also effectively combating spring dead spot and other soil-borne turf diseases.

According to the company, unlike previous molecules in its category, Tymirium technology is designed to selectively target damaging nematodes while preserving the beneficial species crucial for soil health and biodiversity.

“Delivering chemistry at this level, with two new AIs including one with an all-new mode of action, is a significant achievement,” said Mark Coffelt, Ph.D., head of technical services for Syngenta Professional Solutions in the United States. “Syngenta is proud of our decades-long investment in research and development to deliver these cutting-edge technologies to our customers, and we’re excited to see the impact they will have.”

<p>The post Syngenta releases two new active ingredients for turf: Plinazolin and Tymirium first appeared on Golfdom.</p>

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