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Horse And Hound

‘He leaves a huge hole’: equine charity’s sad farewell to staff and visitor favourite


The loss of a donkey of a “rare and extraordinary breed” leaves a “huge hole” at his home for the past 13 years.

Poitou Dartanyan had to be put down aged 14. The Donkey Sanctuary Sidmouth took in the 15hh donkey in 2011 and he became a favourite with staff, volunteers and visitors, “known for his distinctive, shaggy coat and tall stature”.

Dartanyan had a history of medical conditions, including an episode of cellulitis in one of his hind legs in 2022, a spokesperson for the sanctuary explained, adding that he had since been under veterinary supervision.

“Throughout this time, staff ensured that he enjoyed a good quality of life that was enriching and enjoyable, and free from any pain or discomfort,” the spokesperson said.

“Last week however, he started showing signs of more serious illness; his grooms noticed discharge coming from his nose. Despite best efforts from the veterinary team, his health continued to decline.

“Due to his other ongoing health conditions, it was their recommendation that the kindest decision would be to put Dartanyan to sleep.”

The Poitou is named after the French region in which the breed originated, and is one of the largest types of donkey.

“Dartanyan was no shrinking violet and loved meeting people,” the charity spokesperson said. “For many visitors to the Sidmouth sanctuary, Dartanyan was the donkey they headed to first, and because of his height, he could easily put his head over his fence to greet them and was only too happy to pose for a selfie.”

Picture by The Donkey Sanctuary

Donkey Sanctuary CEO Marianne Steele said Dartanyan was “truly an icon”.

“His presence will be dearly missed,” she said.

“It is hard to say goodbye to any donkey in our care, but our priority is always to act in the best interests of the animal concerned. Thanks to an incredible team of vet and grooms, Dartanyan was able to enjoy a long and happy life among his companions, just as he deserved.

“The legacy he leaves is a deep understanding of this rare and extraordinary breed of donkey, knowledge that will inform our work and help us improve the lives of many more Poitous, just like Dartanyan, in future.”

The spokesperson added: “Dartanyan leaves behind a huge, Poitou-sized hole at the Sidmouth sanctuary and he will be missed by staff, volunteers and visitors alike. However, he also leaves many happy memories.”

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