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'Wonder Woman 1984' Might Not Open on Christmas Anymore Amid Pandemic

'Wonder Woman 1984' Might Not Open on Christmas Anymore Amid Pandemic

Wonder Woman 1984 is currently scheduled to open in theaters on December 25, but now everyone’s not so sure amid the pandemic.

Pedro Pascal, co-star of the Gal Gadot-led film, which has already moved release dates six times (three since the pandemic), got candid about the reality of the release date in an interview with Variety.

“As far as movie releases are concerned and the tremendous way that the industry is having to improvise around these circumstances, nothing is surprising. We’re all getting used to things shifting day-to-day, hour-to-hour, you know? That’s what we’re all dealing with,” he revealed.

“I don’t think anybody can be confident of anything right now,” director Patty Jenkins told Variety.

“We just don’t know what the course of COVID is going to be like,” she continued, adding that she is “very hopeful” her film can still open in December.

“It feels totally possible to me,” she said.

“It’s unbelievably surreal. The biggest surreality about it is it’s supposed to be one adventure, right? You sign on to the movie, you write the movie, you direct the movie, you make the movie, the movie comes out, and you move on. Instead, like, I spent three years doing one thing, seven days a week, and then I just popped out of it to just nothing. No evidence of that [work]. I mean, that’s not true. I still work on, you know, Doritos bags bags and stuff like that all the time,” she said.

“For the longest time, the only people who’d seen the movie were the people who’d worked on the movie. We just showed our own agents. That was thrilling, to finally get to talk to people who didn’t know what the movie was. But it’s super weird to go from making a movie with such detail and being so excited for the experience of people getting to share in that with you, and then just going on to cleaning your house and cooking.”

“I don’t know,” Pedro Pascal went on to say about predicting the future of the film.

“That would that would be like assuming I know scientifically, economically, socially so many large things that are just way above my pay-grade. We have information, but still there’s so much more information to be had and sometimes the information feels like it changes so quickly. As maddening and as scary as that feels like to live with on a day-to-day basis, it does make sense, because this is new. Every time I’m like, ‘Well, why don’t we knoowwww?’ It’s like, because it’s a new virus. It just takes time to figure it out.”

In the meantime, Patty Jenkins and Gal Gadot are teaming up on an entirely separate story that’s making headlines.

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