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New Billard Airport restaurant offers $95 steak, Cajun food

New Billard Airport restaurant offers $95 steak, Cajun food

TOPEKA (KSNT) - The new restaurant laying down roots at Billard Airport has announced its menu before opening day.

SKY Restaurant is Billard Airport's newest restaurant, and has announced its breakfast, lunch and dinner menus. The restaurant offers Cajun/Creole food in the comfort of the Oakland neighborhood.

One of the restaurant's owners, Chris Stemler, told 27 News he and his team worked hard to honor the restaurant that came before SKY, while still having some fun with new dishes.

"I think the idea was to do a really good job of, you know, kind of paying homage to Tammy's and the other people who have been at the Billard Airport providing breakfast for the Oakland Community for what's got to be close on 50 years now..." Stemler said. "Lunch wasn't really a significant offering previously. And a dinner menu, where dinner just didn't happen previously. So the idea was that we would continue to provide the services that the community was used to we try. We try to expand."

According to the restaurant's social media, the menus that are posted are almost complete; adjustments and additions will be made to the menus over time. View the current breakfast, lunch, cocktail, dinner and dessert menus below.

Stemler told 27 News while a $95 steak might seem expensive, you are getting your bang for your buck if you want. He explained the steak ends up being about $2.80 an ounce, which is comparable to a standard 8 oz. filet costing about $17.

"This is an optional thing," Stemler said. "We're not forcing people to come to our restaurant. You know, we'd like to invite them out, but I can't force people to spend their money the way they want to. I can only offer a service and hope that that service speaks to people enough that they'll buy it."

Stemler said the Tomahawk is just one of many unique items that will make the restaurant stand out with the hopes of getting SKY into any Topekans rotation of restaurants.

SKY will be hosting a ribbon cutting at 10 a.m. on July 2 to kick off its breakfast and lunch service. Starting July 12, dinner will be available. Walk in's are accepted, but reservations are preferred. Happy Hour at the restaurant will be available mid-July.

On May 2, 2024, The Metropolitan Topeka Airport Authority (MTAA) announced SKY Restaurant in the new terminal at Billard Airport. This comes after long standing restaurant, Tammy's Café, left the old terminal.

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