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Concerns rise over trash in creeks during discussion of Austin's 'Environmental Investment Plan'

Concerns rise over trash in creeks during discussion of Austin's 'Environmental Investment Plan'

Trash in homeless camps causing environmental concerns

AUSTIN (KXAN) — Work is underway to figure out where Austin falls short in it's environmental goals.

The city is currently working to find out where leaders need to invest time and money to meet these goals though.

On Wednesday, the city's joint sustainability committee met to talk about the Environmental Investment Plan, which aims to address climate change, sustainability of City operations, and community resiliency.

Some of the topics brought up included preserving green space, investing in solar energy and keeping the city and our waterways clean.

"Suga Ray" Ramirez enjoys walking around Lady Bird Lake. He also plays guitar on the trail as people walk by. He said he has concerns over trash ending up in the river and creeks.

"I think keeping the creeks and waterways clean would be, in my personal opinion, top priority for the city," said Ramirez.

During the meeting, Trevor Sorrells, co-founder of Nomadik.ai, a company that maps out homeless camps and hopes to help in the fight to get people off the streets spoke about camps in the woods near water.

"One of the key goals of net zero by 2040 is to address water quality and one of the key problems that Austin seems to have is homeless encampments, specifically in the green belts we hold so near and dear to our hearts," Sorrells said. "Most of these green belts sit on top of aquifer refreshers along with direct feeds to the water that we swim in."

Sorrells said if these pollutants end up in the aquifer its not good for anyone.

"Many of these camps contain extremely high levels of chemical hazards, biological hazards and if I am going to swim in Lady Bird Lake I am exposed to that stuff," Sorrells said.

Jamie Hammonds has been documenting the greenbelts and encampments in Austin for years. He said in some cases syringes, and even gas, is getting into creeks that run into Lady Bird Lake.

"There are a massive amount of needles," Hammonds said. "I can't tell you how many needles we have found on the Barton Creek Greenbelt and we find them floating in Barton Creek."

Hammonds is hoping his voice and others who are raising concerns over trash in the greenbelts will be heard and action will be taken.

"There is wildlife, fish, turtles, and there are people on paddle boards, people get in the water all the time here," said Hammonds. "You may not officially be able to swim but a lot of people use this lake for recreation."

"You shouldn't see trash everywhere it should be clean and that is not out of enjoyment, but that is what is best for the earth and best for our public health," said Austin City Councilmember Ryan Alter.

Alter said it is important for Austinites to voice their concerns or reach out to his office with what priorities the city should take when it comes to the plan.

"I think that is a legitimate area we could make investments in order to clean and beautify the entire city," Alter said.

Council documents note significant investments will need to be made in order to achieve the city's climate change goals. Council directed the city manager to look at whether the goals can be funded through utility base rates, the general fund, "and/or general obligation bonds to be approved at a future election, which may include a November 2024 bond election."

Another public hearing will be held in May.

Hammonds is hoping more people will show up to voice their concerns at the next public meeting.


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