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Audit: 'Complex' application process for Austin Energy program for vulnerable people during outages

Audit: 'Complex' application process for Austin Energy program for vulnerable people during outages

The city auditor found issues with the application process for an Austin Energy program meant to help people with critical illnesses or who rely on electricity for medical equipment.

AUSTIN (KXAN) -- The city auditor found issues with the application process for an Austin Energy program meant to help people with critical illnesses or who rely on electricity for medical equipment.

The Medically Vulnerable Registry offers people case management and assistance in creating a back-up plan in case of power outages. However, according to a report released this week, the "complex" process and other hurdles prevented people from accessing these resources.

KXAN previously reported on the services offered through registry during the 2021 and 2023 winter storms. Last year, Austin Energy said it had reached out to hundreds of thousands of customers to offer information and expand awareness about the services.

The auditor reported that people already enrolled in the program were satisfied and believe it met their expectations, but it also found around 70% of applications to the registry in 2022 and 2023 were denied -- often due to incomplete applications.

  • Read the audit report here

In order to qualify for the registry, applicants must meet certain criteria, and a licensed physician must verify their eligibility. Plus, people must be recertified every two to 12 months, depending on their condition.

According to a survey, some participants in the registry found the recertification process inefficient and "a headache." One person surveyed said, “It’s a pain to have to go to the doctor to do it."

The audit explained the City of Austin required participants to recertify more frequently than other cities; Sacramento even offers a lifetime enrollment for some applicants.

According to the report, Austin Energy management and staff were already working on changes to the application process, such as lengthening the amount of time between recertifications, adding a lifetime certification option, and allowing a broader range of medical service providers to confirm eligibility. These changes could be implemented as soon as June 2024.

“It’s important that anyone wishing to apply for the registry can do so in a way that that balances ease of enrollment with the need to have a medical provider confirm eligibility," said Jerry Galvan, Austin Energy vice president for customer care. "We’re excited about the opportunity to make changes that improve customers’ access to this program.”

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