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Teen faces attempted capital murder charge related to shooting involving Pflugerville police

Teen faces attempted capital murder charge related to shooting involving Pflugerville police

A teen was arrested and charged with attempted capital murder among other charges following an incident involving a stolen vehicle pursuit and a shooting with Pflugerville police Sunday.

PFLUGERVILLE, Texas (KXAN) — A teen was arrested and charged with attempted capital murder among other charges following an incident involving a stolen vehicle pursuit and a shooting with Pflugerville police Sunday.

According to a Travis County affidavit, 18-year-old Larry Cain Walker II faces four charges in connection with the incident. The charges included attempted capital murder, unlawful possession of a firearm by a felon, tampering with evidence and evading on foot.

At approximately 4:40 a.m. Sunday, patrol officers with the Pflugerville Police Department found a stolen vehicle and attempted a traffic stop; however, the vehicle did not stop and led officers on a pursuit.

According to the affidavit, the vehicle eventually stopped and some of the passengers inside got out and ran.

Police followed the driver, identified in the affidavit as 20-year-old Lonnie Wayne Brewster, and Walker, the vehicle's front passenger. According to documents, during the pursuit, Walker began shooting toward the officer and the officer then returned shots.

Documents said six occupants were inside the vehicle at the time of the incident and police found and detained five near the scene. The sixth person, identified as Walker, was found hiding inside a trashcan in a nearby area and was then arrested.

Brewster, the driver of the vehicle, faces charges of unauthorized use of a motor vehicle, evading in a vehicle and evading on foot, police said.

KXAN reached out to Walker and Brewster’s attorneys. This story will be updated if statements are received.

According to documents, during an interview with police, Brewster told police he was involved in a crash in Austin and needed a ride back to Pflugerville, so he found a friend who agreed to give him a ride.

Brewster said his friend started driving him back when they stopped and switched seats because his friend did not know how to get to his home, according to the affidavit.

Documents said Brewster only later discovered the vehicle was stolen when his friend told him and said to keep driving after police attempted the traffic stop.

The four other people inside the vehicle were charged with evading on foot, which is a misdemeanor, according to police.

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