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You Should Try This Popular Cart to Clean Up More Efficiently


This little cleaning cart is all over TikTok, and it's actually great.

How you store your cleaning supplies is important, not just for safety considerations, but also just in terms of keeping your home tidy. Not having a protocol in place when it comes to how you store your cleaning supplies will only lead to clutter—and that will defeat the purpose of cleaning.

But you also have to consider how easy it is to use the things you have stashed away. If it's too difficult to actually access and use your tools, you aren't as likely to do it. A cleaning cart that's been popular on TikTok... TK

The cleaning cart

When you're storing and organizing your things, one of the most important rules to keep in mind is that similar items should be categorized together. This usually means tossing all your Pine Sol, Windex, Clorox, and Mr. Clean under your sink, but that doesn't mean it's easy to get them all back out, let alone take them with you to other rooms that need cleaning. Try storing everything on a rolling cart instead, like this:

This slim, wheeled cart that's been popular on TikTok can fit into small spaces easily—but it's also mobile, which means you can take all your supplies with you around the house. My only additional recommendation would be to make sure you get a cart with a sturdy handle in case you have a lot of stairs in your home. The one in the video has two small handles on the sides, but one with a larger handle and slightly deeper shelves is perfect for tilting on an angle and dragging up the steps. Consider this one:

I also like that one because the wheels are lockable, so whether it's in storage or next to you while you clean, it won't roll all over the place.

Making the most of a cleaning cart

The cart is great on its own, but it can be improved with a few little tweaks, depending on the tools you use for cleaning most frequently.

  • A sponge holder ($9.99) affixed to the side of a shelf will keep your sponges from getting the cart and cleaning products wet, and it help your sponges dry after use.

  • These multipurpose hooks (six for $10.75) can hold brushes, spray bottles, rags, and other implements off the side of the cart for easy access and drying.

  • Some drawer organizers (25 pieces for $18.45) can also help you keep smaller pieces grouped together within the cart so nothing shifts around or gets lost.

As for what to put in the cart in terms of actual cleaning supplies, the short answer is "everything" and the longer answer is "it depends what you usually clean." In general, your cart should contain all of your cleaning essentials so, again, everything is located in one place. You could dedicate the top rack to kitchen cleaning supplies, the middle to the bathroom, and the bottom to everything else in general. If you have a ton of different cleaning supplies or a lot of rooms, you might even consider getting two carts and organizing them based on your different spaces.

If you need some cleaning products to stock up your cart once it arrives, you can't go wrong with these, which are my favorites:

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