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Ex-Alameda County sheriff’s deputy convicted of murdering Dublin couple


OAKLAND — A former Alameda County sheriff’s deputy was convicted Thursday of gunning down a married Dublin couple more than two years ago, according to prosecutors.

Devin Williams faces 50 years to life in state prison when he is sentenced next month for the first-degree murders of 42-year-old Maria and 57-year-old Benison Tran, the district attorney’s office said in a statement.

The murders took place on Sept. 7, 2022. Williams, a deputy at the time, went to the couple’s home in the 3100 block of Colebrook Lane and shot them to death with his agency-issued gun, according to prosecutors.

Four other people were at the home when the killings happened, including a child.

“We recognize this horrific tragedy leaves a son without his parents and a community forever traumatized by this unacceptable and vicious home invasion attack on an unarmed and unsuspecting couple,” District Attorney Pamela Price said.

The 26-year-old former deputy was in a romantic relationship with Maria Tran, although she was legally married to Benison Tran and lived with him, according to prosecutors.

The district attorney thanked the jury for its “diligent work in delivering this guilty verdict.”

“I also want to thank our entire prosecution team, including our inspectors and victim-witness advocates who worked diligently to get the conviction and provide services to the victims’ families, despite the intense public scrutiny and questioning of our commitment to successfully prosecute this case,” Price said, referring to her controversial decision to drop special circumstances enhancements against Williams.

The enhancements, which were filed by the previous district attorney, carried a possible sentence of life without parole.

Relatives of the slain couple criticized the decision and accused Price of being soft on crime.

“We are left thinking that you are making a sweetheart deal to protect a police officer and the Alameda County Sheriff’s Department and gain favor with the police associations that have repeatedly challenged your competence as district attorney, your failure to protect the people from crime and the politicization of your office,” the relatives wrote in a letter to the district attorney following her decision.

Williams is scheduled to be sentenced on Nov. 12 at the East Bay County Hall of Justice in Dublin.

Check back for updates.

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