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Premature baby was so small she was kept alive in a sandwich bag

Amina Dobson survived after being put in a plastic bag after being born at 24 weeks  (Picture: SWNS)

A baby who was born 16 weeks premature and weighed just 1lb 10oz has defied the odds to celebrate her first birthday.

Amina Dobson was so tiny and fragile doctors put her in a sandwich bag to keep her warm as she fought for life.

The plastic material mimicked the conditions of her mum’s womb – making it perfect for the little girl as she grew.

When she was born on February 23, 2018, she had an open valve in her heart and a bleed on the brain and was kept in hospital for 76 days.

But she thrived in hospital and the conditions healed on their own, meaning she was eventually allowed home with her parents in Chicago, Illinois.

Amina was put into a sandwich bag to keep her warm (Picture: Taylor Dobson/SWNS)
Mum Taylor Dobson, 24, pictured with her little girl (Picture: Taylor Dobson/SWNS)

Mum Taylor Dobson, 24, said: ‘We thought Amina might not make it, so to be here celebrating her first birthday is so special and we feel so lucky.

‘When she was born, it was a terrifying time. She was so tiny.’

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The beautician continued: ‘She was born early due to me having an incompetent cervix.

‘The night before Amina was born I was admitted to the labour ward and told that I was having contractions, but that they would try to stop them by using magnesium for the next 24 hours.

‘I was admitted around 5pm and my contractions kept getting closer and closer all night long.

The new parents were not able to hold her for the first three days (Picture: Taylor Dobson/SWNS)
Now she has just celebrated her first birthday (Picture: Taylor Dobson/SWNS)

‘By 9am my doctor came in and did an ultrasound of Amina saying that she was actually kicking herself out of my cervix.

‘They told me I had an infection and that she needed to be delivered via emergency c-section immediately or she was at risk of catching it too.’

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Taylor and her partner, Dahoud Maizer, were unable to see their newborn for the first three days until she was stabilised.

It wasn’t until she was four days old that they were allowed to touch her for the first time.

From there, Amina thrived and exceeded the doctors and nurses expectations by breathing and eating on her own a month before her due date.

She is now thriving (Picture: Taylor Dobson/SWNS)

‘I was not expecting to come into the NICU one day and the nurses to tell me that in a couple days my baby would be ready to go home,’ Taylor said.

‘She came home at 35 weeks gestation and was only 3lbs 7oz. Since she’s been home she was thrived in every single way possible.

‘Amina no longer needs to see a cardiologist, optimologist, or any speciality doctors.

‘She is now one and healthy as can be.’

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