«Metro UK»

Baby born after his mum was stabbed to death ‘unlikely to survive’

Kelly Mary’s aunt said she did not think the baby was going to make it (Picture: @kellymary.fauvrelle/Facebook, PA)

A baby boy delivered after his pregnant mum Kelly Mary Fauvrelle was stabbed to death is unlikely to survive, her cousin said today.

Kelly Mary, 26, was eight months pregnant and ‘dreamed of being a mum’, according to the relative.

She died at the scene but her baby was saved by emergency services called to Raymead Avenue in Thornton Heath, Croydon, at around 3.30am on Saturday.

A man, 37, was arrested on suspicion of murder on Saturday and is in police custody. The Met today said a second man, 29, has been arrested and is also in custody on suspicion of murder.

Speaking from her home in Crystal Palace, south east London, Rosa Fauvrelle said: ‘It’s my husband’s niece. He’s at the hospital because they are doing a little blessing because they think the baby might not survive.

‘Everyone’s on edge and everyone’s very short-fused.

Kelly Mary Fauvrelle was stabbed to death (Picture: @kellymary.fauvrelle/Facebook)
An ultrasound of the baby boy (Picture: @kellymary.fauvrelle/Facebook)

‘No one knows anything at the moment. We don’t know we really don’t know what happened.

‘Everybody’s confused. We know they have arrested a couple of people so we are hoping something is going to come out of this.

‘I personally don’t know who has been arrested but the family are meeting up today and talking and the police might have names. At the moment they say they can’t hand out information.

‘We just heard on the news today they had arrested two people.

‘Nobody is communicating with each other. So everybody at the moment is very hysterical. Very tired.

‘People want answers and we’re just not getting anywhere. I know today they have gone to the hospital as they said if you want you can bring a priest in.

‘I think that’s what they are doing. I don’t think the baby is going to make it. I think a decision has to be made on that today.

Emergency services said the victim died at the scene but her baby was delivered and taken to hospital
(Picture: @kellymary.fauvrelle/Facebook)

‘All Kelly wanted was to be a mum. That’s all she wanted. When she found out she was pregnant I think that really lifted her spirits.

‘She was a sweetheart an absolute sweetheart. The most gentle loving person and being a mum was all she dreamed about.

‘I don’t know very much about the father of the baby. I don’t know her that well.

‘We’re all so busy we don’t have time to sit down until something horrible happens.

‘It’s a little boy. I don’t know what they named him.’

Officers were called to reports of a woman in cardiac arrest and found Kelly Mary with stab injuries.

She died at the scene and paramedics turned their efforts to saving her unborn baby, who was delivered at the address and taken to hospital.

The newborn remains in a critical condition, Scotland Yard said.

Police said Kelly Mary Fauvrelle’s murder was a ‘horrific incident’ (Picture: @kellymary.fauvrelle/Facebook)
Police forensic officers at the scene in Raymead Avenue, Thornton Heath, Croydon (Picture: Vickie Flores/LNP)

A senior detective in the case described the stabbing as a ‘horrific incident’ as a murder probe was launched.

The force said officers ‘retain an open mind to any motive’.

A keen motorcyclist, in February Kelly Mary shared a picture on Facebook of an ultrasound and said: ‘Looks like riding season is on hold for me this year.’

London Mayor Sadiq Khan tweeted yesterday: ‘Violence against women has no place in our city, and horrific murders in the home like this show the scale of the problem we face.’

He added: ‘My heart goes out to this innocent child, and to the mother they have so tragically lost.’

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