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Jupiter smashed into a planet resembling Uranus and everything got very messy, scientists claim


It was a disastrous encounter which happened during a difficult time in our solar system's troubled past.

Perijove 16 (Picture: Sean Doran)
Would you let your Uranus anywhere near a lovely unspoiled planet like Jupiter? (Image: Nasa)

It’s generally a good idea to steer clear of Uranus, which is a place of smelly methane winds and temperatures so cold they’d freeze your extremities in a second.

So we can only imagine the nightmarish situation Jupiter faced when it smashed into a planet of the same size and mass as the rudely-named gas giant hell world.

A new study has found that the largest planet in our solar system had a terrifying close encounter with a ‘planetary embryo’ with a similar mass to Uranus.

In a paper published in the journal Nature, scientists said a ‘giant collision’ could explain the structure of Jupiter.

Uranus may also have endured a similar cataclysm and is believed to have been tipped onto its side due to an encounter with a large and unrelenting object at some murky point in its history (we’ve all been there).

This is Uranus and it's beautiful (Image: Nasa)
This is Uranus and it’s beautiful (Image: Nasa)

In their paper, scientists wrote: ‘We show that a sufficiently energetic head-on collision (giant impact) between a large planetary embryo and the proto-Jupiter could have shattered its primordial compact core and mixed the heavy elements with the inner envelope.’

This means Jupiter was ‘mixed’ as the object it collided with was absorbed into its core.

‘We suggest that collisions were common in the young Solar system and that a similar event may have also occurred for Saturn, contributing to the structural differences between Jupiter and Saturn.’

Earth was once a barren hellscape that makes even the most unpleasant place in modern Britain look like paradise (Image: Nasa)
Earth was once a barren hellscape that makes even the most unpleasant place in modern Britain look like paradise (Image: Nasa)

Earth ha also been hit by some truly epic disasters which threatened to derail the evolution of life.

Scientists recently revealed new details of how this planet survived a ‘cataclysmic past’ which ended with an apocalyptic event which melted the entire surface of our world.

In the era just after Earth formed, the solar system experienced ‘giant planet migration’ in which the biggest planets including Saturn and Jupiter began to move away from the sun.

We don’t understand what caused this phenomenon, but we know it sent huge waves of comets, asteroids and even small mini-worlds called proto-planets or planetesimals into the inner solar system.

A team from the University of Colorado has now sketched a new outline of the story of this epic era and claimed it happened much earlier than expected about 4.48 billion years ago.

The cataclysm ‘began with the comets that came screaming into the inner solar system’ said geologist Stephen Mojzsis.

Our planet has endured countless numbers of asteroid impacts (Image: Nasa)
Our planet has endured countless numbers of asteroid impacts (Image: Nasa)

‘The next wave was planetesimals left over from the formation of the inner planets,’ he continued.

‘The last group to arrive were the asteroids, which continue to leak toward us today.’

Researchers simulated the planets’ movements and analysed meteors on Earth to discover evidence of when this gigantic ‘bombardment’ took place.

The results pointed to 4.48 billion years ago, whereas previous estimates suggested the cataclysm happened about 3.9 billion years ago.

It’s crucial to pinpoint this date because life could have only evolved once the bombardment had ended.

Mojzsis said the findings ‘open up a new window for when life may have evolved on Earth’ and suggest ‘our planet may have been calm enough to support living organisms as early as 4.4 billion years ago’.

The oldest known fossil discovered here on Earth is just 3.5 billion years old.

‘The only way to sterilize the Earth completely is to melt the crust all at once,’ Mojzsis added.

‘We’ve shown that this hasn’t happened since giant planet migration commenced.’

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