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Moaning know-it-alls attack animal lover for fundraising to save sick Labrador he rescued off street

Luke Perrin was attacked online and branded a scammer for trying to raise money to help treat Monte’s serious medical diagnosis.(Picture: Pix11)

An animal lover who is raising money to save a sick puppy he rescued has been attacked by moaning know-it-alls claiming his fundraiser is a scam.

Luke Perrin was walking to work on Monday in Brooklyn, New York when he saw a crowd surrounding a dog.

The dog was tied up to a post by a person concerned for the puppy’s safety after they saw it roaming the busy neighborhood.

Perrin offered to take the dog to his office up the block, where he and his employees named the dog ‘Monte’ after a famous restaurant near the location the dog was found.

He told Pix 11: ‘He was a puppy, four to five months maybe, cute yellow Lab, very friendly.’

Perrin continued: ‘We were going to take him to the vet to check for a chip, but first fed him and gave him some water…That’s when he started vomiting uncontrollably, so we rushed him to the vet.’

Veterinarians gave Monte an X-ray and found that he had Gastric Dilatation-Volvulus, which is a life-threatening condition where the stomach rapidly expands. Treatment for the disease requires the dog to stay at the animal clinic for days and may involve surgery which costs thousands of dollars.

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Perrin’s coworkers at Square Design, a custom design company, put down a credit card for the vet bill. He later began a GoFundMe campaign to try to cover some of Monte’s medical bills – which apparently enraged skeptics.

He said: ‘They were questioning my motives, thinking there’s a potential for a scam.’

Monte was found to have Gastric Dilatation-Volvulus, a potentially deadly disease where the stomach rapidly expands. (Picture: GoFundMe)

‘I then produced all the documentation from the veterinarian clinics.

‘My name wasn’t on them because some of my co-workers took him in while I worked, and that’s where it kind of spiraled out of control a little bit.’

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Perrin said he understands that people are worried that they are being scammed.

But he wrote on the GoFundMe page that Monte’s veterinary bill is currently in the range of $3,000 to $5,000 dollars.

However, the campaign has already raised just over it’s $6,000 goal.

Perrin said he will give any left over money to the local animal rescue society and added: ‘People are still out there who want to do the right thing.’

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