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Pets stolen, slaughtered and turned into bar snacks in Cambodia’s dog meat trade


Around 3,000,000 dogs are stabbed, drowned, clubbed and hanged every year in Cambodia's brutal industry.

Warning: Graphic Images

Pictures of dogs being held captive and prepared as meat in Cambodia's dog meat trade
Cambodia’s unlicensed dog meat industry is thriving (Picture: AFP/Getty Images)

Around three million dogs are being stabbed, drowned, clubbed, hanged and sold on for meat every year in Cambodia.

The trade is largely supplied by stolen pets, strays or unwanted dogs sold to passing motorcyclists for aluminium pots and pans.

Captured creatures spend their days in small and rusty iron cages waiting for their gruesome deaths.

Workers at unlicensed slaughterhouses are exposed to deadly health risks like rabies and say they are being traumatised by the day-to-day killings.

Ken Chan, who slices the throats of up to six dogs a day, burst into tears as he described how his job haunts him as he goes to sleep.

EDITORS NOTE: Graphic content / This photo taken on October 25, 2019 shows a man removing fur from a dog by placing it in boiling water at a slaughterhouse in Siem Reap province. - Cambodian dog meat traders drown, strangle and stab thousands of canines a day in a shadowy but sprawling business that traumatises workers and exposes them to deadly health risks like rabies. (Photo by TANG CHHIN Sothy / AFP) / TO GO WITH Cambodia-animal-dog-food, FEATURE by Joe FREEMAN and Suy SE (Photo by TANG CHHIN SOTHY/AFP via Getty Images)
Once they’re killed dogs are put into boiling water to remove their fur (Picture: AFP/Getty Images)
This photo taken on October 25, 2019 shows dogs in a cage as a woman boils water at a slaughterhouse in Siem Reap province. - Cambodian dog meat traders drown, strangle and stab thousands of canines a day in a shadowy but sprawling business that traumatises workers and exposes them to deadly health risks like rabies. (Photo by TANG CHHIN Sothy / AFP) / TO GO WITH Cambodia-animal-dog-food, FEATURE by Joe FREEMAN and Suy SE (Photo by TANG CHHIN SOTHY/AFP via Getty Images)
They spend their days in cramped cages watching their fellow canines be killed (Picture: AFP/Getty Images)

Speaking to several dogs awaiting their fate in a cage, he said: ‘Please forgive me. I don’t kill you, I can’t feed my family.’

Global animal welfare organisation Four Paws saved 10 animals from imminent death when they got a slaughterhouse in Takeo Province closed down on October 27.

Two of the dogs there had been kept in a holding cage by the owner as good luck charms since they were puppies.

For two years they watched helplessly as their cage mates were brutally killed, chopped up, cooked and sold as bar snacks.

The facility killed an estimated 2,000 dogs every year and sold dried black dog penises for men to wear for good luck.

EDITORS NOTE: Graphic content / This photo taken on October 25, 2019 shows a dog that was hung as a man looks at dogs in a cage at a slaughterhouse in Siem Reap province. - Cambodian dog meat traders drown, strangle and stab thousands of canines a day in a shadowy but sprawling business that traumatises workers and exposes them to deadly health risks like rabies. (Photo by TANG CHHIN Sothy / AFP) / TO GO WITH Cambodia-animal-dog-food, FEATURE by Joe FREEMAN and Suy SE (Photo by TANG CHHIN SOTHY/AFP via Getty Images)
Many dogs are hanged from trees as a cheap method of slaughter (Picture: AFP/Getty Images)
This photo taken on October 27, 2019 shows former restaurant owner Khieu Chan (C) watching as members of the non-governmental organisation (NGO) Four Paws team take part in an operation to rescue dogs from the slaughterhouse in Takeo province. - Cambodian dog meat traders drown, strangle and stab thousands of canines a day in a shadowy but sprawling business that traumatises workers and exposes them to deadly health risks like rabies. (Photo by TANG CHHIN Sothy / AFP) / TO GO WITH Cambodia-animal-dog-food, FEATURE by Joe FREEMAN and Suy SE (Photo by TANG CHHIN SOTHY/AFP via Getty Images)
Former restaurant owner Khieu Chan watches Four Paws team members rescue dogs from a facility in Takeo province (Picture: AFP/Getty Images)
This photo taken on October 25, 2019 shows a woman preparing dog meat for customers at a slaughterhouse in Siem Reap province. - Cambodian dog meat traders drown, strangle and stab thousands of canines a day in a shadowy but sprawling business that traumatises workers and exposes them to deadly health risks like rabies. (Photo by TANG CHHIN Sothy / AFP) / TO GO WITH Cambodia-animal-dog-food, FEATURE by Joe FREEMAN and Suy SE (Photo by TANG CHHIN SOTHY/AFP via Getty Images)
A woman prepares dog meat for customers at a slaughterhouse in Siem Reap (Picture: AFP/Getty Images)

Four Paws initially met with the owner of the slaughterhouse who said he was desperate to get out of the business.

He asked the organisation for help finding an alternative livelihood and, after months of discussions, he developed a business plan to farm rice and vegetables.

A field was purchased and vowed never to get involved with the dog meat trade again.

Four Paws took the ten rescued dogs to its local partner ‘Animal Rescue Cambodia’ for immediate medical treatment.

There the dogs will be cared for until loving new homes are found for them.

Veterinarian and head of Four Paws stray animal care in Southeast Asia Katherine Polak said: ‘We are so relieved to put an end to an operation which caused the needless suffering of so many animals.

EDITORS NOTE: Graphic content / This photo taken on October 25, 2019 shows a man removing fur from a dog at a slaughterhouse in Siem Reap province. - Cambodian dog meat traders drown, strangle and stab thousands of canines a day in a shadowy but sprawling business that traumatises workers and exposes them to deadly health risks like rabies. (Photo by TANG CHHIN Sothy / AFP) / TO GO WITH Cambodia-animal-dog-food, FEATURE by Joe FREEMAN and Suy SE (Photo by TANG CHHIN SOTHY/AFP via Getty Images)
Thousands of dogs die grizzly deaths every day in Cambodia’s industry (Picture: AFP/Getty Images)
EDITORS NOTE: Graphic content / This photo taken on October 26, 2019 shows the head of a grilled dog at a restaurant in Kampong Cham province. - Cambodian dog meat traders drown, strangle and stab thousands of canines a day in a shadowy but sprawling business that traumatises workers and exposes them to deadly health risks like rabies. (Photo by TANG CHHIN Sothy / AFP) / TO GO WITH Cambodia-animal-dog-food, FEATURE by Joe FREEMAN and Suy SE (Photo by TANG CHHIN SOTHY/AFP via Getty Images)
The head of a grilled dog at a restaurant in Kampong Cham province (Picture: AFP/Getty Images)
This photo taken on October 25, 2019 shows a member of the non-governmental organisation (NGO) Four Paws team touching a dog in a cage at a slaughterhouse in Siem Reap province. - Cambodian dog meat traders drown, strangle and stab thousands of canines a day in a shadowy but sprawling business that traumatises workers and exposes them to deadly health risks like rabies. (Photo by TANG CHHIN Sothy / AFP) / TO GO WITH Cambodia-animal-dog-food, FEATURE by Joe FREEMAN and Suy SE (Photo by TANG CHHIN SOTHY/AFP via Getty Images)
A touching moment between a captive dog and a Four Paws team member (Picture: AFP/Gett Images)

‘The rescued dogs were in heartbreaking conditions. The two dogs that sat in the tiny cage for more than two years could barely walk due to severe muscle atrophy of their legs.’

Four Paws is calling for an outright ban of the dog and cat meat trade in Southeast Asia.

A petition fetching 120,000 signatures in under a month says families are ‘torn apart’ by the industry.

But the trade is still thriving, with dog meat eaten in several Asian countries from China and South Korea to Vietnam and Indonesia’s non-Muslim communities.

Activists say demand has declined partly due to the region’s growing middle class, who are more likely to own pets and see eating dog as taboo.

But the brutal trade has flown under the radar in Cambodia where roving dog catchers bring animals to slaughterhouses and restaurants serving ‘special meat’.

This photo taken on October 27, 2019 shows members of the non-governmental organisation (NGO) Four Paws team carrying a dog in a cage to a van during an operation to rescue dogs from the slaughterhouse in Takeo province. - Cambodian dog meat traders drown, strangle and stab thousands of canines a day in a shadowy but sprawling business that traumatises workers and exposes them to deadly health risks like rabies. (Photo by TANG CHHIN Sothy / AFP) / TO GO WITH Cambodia-animal-dog-food, FEATURE by Joe FREEMAN and Suy SE (Photo by TANG CHHIN SOTHY/AFP via Getty Images)
The NGO took the dogs for medical treatment and hope to find them loving homes soon (Picture: AFP/Getty Images)
This photo taken on October 25, 2019 shows children looking at dogs in a cage covered by pans in Siem Reap province. - Cambodian dog meat traders drown, strangle and stab thousands of canines a day in a shadowy but sprawling business that traumatises workers and exposes them to deadly health risks like rabies. (Photo by TANG CHHIN Sothy / AFP) / TO GO WITH Cambodia-animal-dog-food, FEATURE by Joe FREEMAN and Suy SE (Photo by TANG CHHIN SOTHY/AFP via Getty Images)
Travelling motorcyclists pick up dogs and cram them into tiny cages (Picture: AFP/Getty Images)
This photo taken on October 26, 2019 shows a man looking at a grilled dog at a restaurant in Kampong Cham province. - Cambodian dog meat traders drown, strangle and stab thousands of canines a day in a shadowy but sprawling business that traumatises workers and exposes them to deadly health risks like rabies. (Photo by TANG CHHIN Sothy / AFP) / TO GO WITH Cambodia-animal-dog-food, FEATURE by Joe FREEMAN and Suy SE (Photo by TANG CHHIN SOTHY/AFP via Getty Images)
Dog is often sold as ‘special meat’ in restaurants across the Southeast Asian country (Picture: AFP/Getty Images)

Motorbike riders criss-cross the north of the country trading pots, pans and cookware for unwanted dogs, loading them into a heavy rectangular cage on a back seat and making deliveries to middlemen.

At a village in Siem Reap, former soldier Hun Hoy pulled a dog out of a cage and hung it on tree branch near drying laundry.

After gasping for breath for several minutes it stopped moving.

The animal was then placed in boiling water to remove its fur and chopped into part.

Hun, 59, said: ‘On a good day, I kill 10 dogs or 12 dogs. I also feel pity for them but I have to strangle them.’

A woman at another slaughterhouse said: ‘By putting them in the cage and drowning them in a pit we don’t have to hear their cries’.

This picture taken on November 4, 2019 shows caretaker Christina Braun (L) and veterinary nurse Laut Seavchou playing with a dog, which was rescued from a slaughterhouse in Takeo province, at the Animal Rescue Cambodia centre in Phnom Penh. - Cambodian dog meat traders drown, strangle and stab thousands of canines a day in a shadowy but sprawling business that traumatises workers and exposes them to deadly health risks like rabies. (Photo by TANG CHHIN Sothy / AFP) / TO GO WITH Cambodia-animal-dog-food, FEATURE by Joe FREEMAN and Suy SE (Photo by TANG CHHIN SOTHY/AFP via Getty Images)
Caretaker Christina Braun and veterinary nurse Laut Seavchou play with a dog which was rescued from the Takeo province slaughterhouse (Picture: AFP/Getty Images)
This photo taken on October 25, 2019 shows a man locking a cage full of dogs at a slaughterhouse in Siem Reap province. - Cambodian dog meat traders drown, strangle and stab thousands of canines a day in a shadowy but sprawling business that traumatises workers and exposes them to deadly health risks like rabies. (Photo by TANG CHHIN Sothy / AFP) / TO GO WITH Cambodia-animal-dog-food, FEATURE by Joe FREEMAN and Suy SE (Photo by TANG CHHIN SOTHY/AFP via Getty Images)
The dog meat trade is not illegal in Cambodia but there are laws which could seriously curtail it if enforced (Picture: AFP/Getty Images)
This photo taken on October 25, 2019 shows dogs looking out from a cage which covered with pans in Siem Reap province. - Cambodian dog meat traders drown, strangle and stab thousands of canines a day in a shadowy but sprawling business that traumatises workers and exposes them to deadly health risks like rabies. (Photo by TANG CHHIN Sothy / AFP) / TO GO WITH Cambodia-animal-dog-food, FEATURE by Joe FREEMAN and Suy SE (Photo by TANG CHHIN SOTHY/AFP via Getty Images)
Dogs are often stabbed, drowned or clubbed to death before being prepared to eat (Picture: AFP/Getty Images)

There is no specific law prohibiting the dog meat trade in Cambodia, but legislation exists which if enforced could curtail it significantly.

Four Paws say a live dog fetches between 1.80 Euros (£1.54) and 2.70 Euros (£2.31) per kilo.

But a kilo of raw meat is sold for up to 3.60 Euros (£3.08), making it a profitable business.

Individual dog meat dishes often cost less than one Euro and are sold in more than 110 restaurants in Cambodia’s capital of Phnom Penh alone, according to Four Paws.

The majority of consumers are men, who tend to eat the meat as a bar snack with alcohol.

Women in Cambodia tend to eat dog at home for medicinal reasons.

But the trade still remains controversial among Khmer people despite trade being so prolific.

EDITORS NOTE: Graphic content / This photo taken on October 25, 2019 shows a man removing fur from a dog at a slaughterhouse in Siem Reap province. - Cambodian dog meat traders drown, strangle and stab thousands of canines a day in a shadowy but sprawling business that traumatises workers and exposes them to deadly health risks like rabies. (Photo by TANG CHHIN Sothy / AFP) / TO GO WITH Cambodia-animal-dog-food, FEATURE by Joe FREEMAN and Suy SE (Photo by TANG CHHIN SOTHY/AFP via Getty Images)
The trade also puts human beings at risk of contracting rabies (Picture: AFP/Getty Images)
This photo taken on October 26, 2019 shows a dog in a cage next to a pit for drowning dogs at a slaughterhouse in Kampong Cham province. - Cambodian dog meat traders drown, strangle and stab thousands of canines a day in a shadowy but sprawling business that traumatises workers and exposes them to deadly health risks like rabies. (Photo by TANG CHHIN Sothy / AFP) / TO GO WITH Cambodia-animal-dog-food, FEATURE by Joe FREEMAN and Suy SE (Photo by TANG CHHIN SOTHY/AFP via Getty Images)
Cambodia has one of the highest rates of human rabies in the world (Picture: AFP/Getty Images)
This photo taken on October 25, 2019 shows men loading pans, which will be exchanged with dogs, onto his motorcycle at a slaughterhouse in Siem Reap province. - Cambodian dog meat traders drown, strangle and stab thousands of canines a day in a shadowy but sprawling business that traumatises workers and exposes them to deadly health risks like rabies. (Photo by TANG CHHIN Sothy / AFP) / TO GO WITH Cambodia-animal-dog-food, FEATURE by Joe FREEMAN and Suy SE (Photo by TANG CHHIN SOTHY/AFP via Getty Images)
Unwanted dogs are often sold to travelling traders in exchange for pots and pans (Picturee: AFP/Getty Images)

Cambodia has one of the highest rates of human rabies in the world partly due to a lack of dog vaccination programmes.

The dog meat trade removes vaccinated animals from communities and transports those who are infected with the disease into cities, putting consumers, traders and butchers at risk.

As he cooked dog meat stew with fermented fish paste in a village in Siem Reap, Pring, 33, said: ‘I got bitten by a dog but I did not get vaccinated because when I returned it was late at night.’

Instead he cleaned his wound with soap and lemon.

Dr Polak said: ‘Inherent to the trades are extreme cruelty to animals and illegal activities, including pet theft, in addition to the very real threat of rabies transmission to communities and tourists.

‘This, coupled with the unsanitary conditions found at restaurants and slaughterhouses, means that people are being exposed to potentially deadly diseases.

‘If Cambodia is serious about eradicating human rabies, the dog meat trade simply cannot be ignored.’

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