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PM to ‘unveil coronavirus warning system’ as he ‘drops stay at home slogan’

The prime minister is expected to tell the country to ‘stay alert, control the virus and save lives’ (Picture: Jeff Gilbert/REX/Getty)

Boris Johnson will unveil a coronavirus warning system as he sets out his lockdown exit plan on Sunday evening, it is claimed.

The prime minister will allegedly drop the ‘stay home’ slogan, instead urging workers who cannot do their jobs from home to begin returning to workplaces while following social-distancing rules.

The government’s new slogan will be ‘stay alert, control the virus and save lives’, as the lockdown is gradually eased.

The five-stage warning system will signal the risk of infection in different parts of the country, with alerts ranging from green in level one to red in level five.

Administered by a new ‘joint biosecurity centre’, it will detect local increases in infection rates, with the view to locally alter restrictions in England, it is understood.

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The Tory leader is expected to say the country is close to moving down from four to three after he holds a COBRA meeting with Cabinet ministers, leaders of the devolved nations and London Mayor Sadiq Khan on Sunday afternoon.

On Monday, the Government will publish a 50-page document outlining the full plan to cautiously re-start the economy to MPs.

Later in the week, Mr Johnson will address the 1922 Committee of backbench Conservatives.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson stands on the steps of No.10 Downing Street for VE 75th Anniversary Day (Picture: Jeff Gilbert/REX)
Commuters wearing a face protection mask travels on the underground on March 23, 2020 (Picture Getty Images)

It is believed the prime minister wants to assess restrictions every fortnight before deciding whether to ease any more.

His roadmap will be revealed after police admitted they were ‘fighting a losing battle’ with the lockdown this weekend.

Pictures showed Brits enjoying the Bank Holiday sunshine – despite pleas from the government to ignore speculation about the lifting of restrictions and stay home.

Bored Britons ignoring the pleas were turned away by police from Brighton Beach on Saturday.

Locals are said to have cheered as tourists were banned from the beach and traffic officers stopped vehicles at the end of the A23.

The Coastguard also said it had seen the highest number of call-outs since lockdown began on the VE Day Bank Holiday Friday.

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