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What is staying closed in England as lockdown easing pauses?

Boris Johnson announced that some aspects of lockdown easing had stalled (Picture: Andrew Parsons / No10 Downing St)

Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced on Friday that some changes to the lockdown measures in England which were scheduled for today, 1 August, were to be postponed amid rising coronavirus case numbers.

He told the nation: ‘You’ll remember that at every point I have said our plan to reopen the society and economy is conditional, that it relies on continued progress against the virus, and we would not hesitate to put the brakes on if required.

‘With those numbers creeping up, our assessment is that we should squeeze that brake pedal… in order to keep the virus under control.’

Here’s a rundown of what will now stay closed despite the Government’s previous plans…

What’s staying closed in England after Boris’ announcement?

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Mr Johnson said on Friday that casinos, bowling alleys and skating rinks were to stay shut for at least two weeks and ‘the remaining close-contact services’ would not be starting up again.

He said: ‘On Saturday August 1, you’ll remember we had hoped to reopen a number of the higher-risk settings that had remained closed and today I’m saying we’re postponing those changes for at least a fortnight.

‘That means until August 15 at the earliest casinos, bowling alleys, skating rinks and the remaining close-contact services must remain closed.’

On top of that, indoor performances will not yet be held, and wedding receptions of up to 30 people – which were going to be allowed from today – will remain prohibited.

However, as planned, from today employers can still decide when their employees can go back to the office.

This announcement came amid fears of a second wave mount and as cases of coronavirus rise, with one in 1,500 people having the disease compared to one in 1,800 on July 15 and one in 2,000 on July 2.

The Office for National Statistics estimates there are now 4,900 new infections daily compared to 3,000 on July 14 and 2,000 at the end of June.

MORE: Pubs and beer gardens heaving despite delays to easing of lockdown measures

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