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Couple win £1,000,000 in lottery day after being made redundant

Their lucky day! An Oxfordshire couple are elated after winning the lottery the day after being made redundant (Picture: James Robinson)

A couple have had a welcome change in fate after winning £1million in the National Lottery just a day after one of them was made redundant.

David and Shelley Adams, from Chipping Norton, Oxfordshire, became instant millionaires this week after a stroke of luck saw them scoop the seven-figure sum after playing online.

It is particularly fortunate timing for the pair, as David lost his job as a wood machinist just one day before – an event they admitted wasn’t even the worst thing the couple have overcome this year.

David said: ‘Just last year Shelley was diagnosed with MS and had to give up the job she loved as a community carer, putting a strain on our finances and heightening her clinical anxiety.

‘In April we sadly lost my sister-in-law due to a massive heart attack, then two weeks in early May we received the news that sadly so many families have received this year, her husband, my brother, had passed due to Covid-19.’

Last Friday, he was given the news that he’d been made redundant. But David’s luck was about to change.

Shelley said: ‘On Sunday morning, about 1.30am, David came into our bedroom saying “are you awake”, to which I pretty grumpily replied, “well, I am now”.

David and Shelley Adams are now £1million richer (Picture: James Robinson)
When her husband woke her up to tell her the news, Shelley Adams wasn’t impressed: ‘I was furious, I thought he meant a tenner!?’ (Picture: James Robinson)

‘But as he switched on the light I could see he was shaking so my grumpiness turned to worry as I asked him what was up, whereupon he told me we’d won the lottery.

‘I was furious, I thought he meant a tenner.’

The pair were in such disbelief they had to wake their son to ask him to check that they had truly won. They said they barely slept for the rest of the night and called the Camelot Group, the lottery organisers, to confirm in the morning.

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David and Shelley are still coming to terms with their win but have already made some decisions about what they’ll do with their new fortune, including first-class flights to Canada to visit friends, and a new car – a Nissan Qashqai is on the top of David’s list.

After surviving so much hardship, the couple are elated to have such a sudden turn of fortunes.

David said: ‘It’s been a really tough time but we stick together and try to keep smiling, whatever life has thrown at us.

‘Never in our wildest dreams did we think the next thing thrown our way would be £1million.’

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